Tank Recommendation


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all,
I have 200L rimless that I'm gathering parts for to aquascape, but that's gonna take a long time so in the mean time I'd like to throw together a small tank with a Betta.
Now I've seen these tanks in a local shop, can anyone comment on their suitability as a Betta tank or make any alternative suggestions?
Fish 'R' Fun ~7.2 litre, £26:

Fish 'R' Fun 17 litre, £50:

Aqua Nano 22 litre, £70 (over my planned budget to be honest):

As small as practically possible would be ideal, any advice?
I would go with the 17liter for the betta.
Thanks. I can get the 19 litre Fluval Chi for around the £50 mark too, which I think is a prettier tank, what's the verdict on these?
You'd need a lid for any of those tanks as bettas are renowned jumpers.
The 7.2L is definitely too small, the 17L is just about the lower limit for bettas, the 22L would be the better one, but if it's outside your budget then perhaps not.
The 19L is certainly prettier but again you'd need a lid to prevent betta escape!
You'll also need a heater as they need temperature of 26°C minimum to be healthy.
Hope you are planning to cycle the tank before getting your betta
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Cheers. Yeah I heard about the jumping, some of these nano tanks do have covers, I believe Fluval have updated theirs to include one..
I have a spare heater, but they're only a fiver anyway, and yep it will be properly cycled, I had a 140 litre set up a year or 2 ago so I've some experience.
Certainly I can stretch my budget to make it ideal, I'll keep searching and aim for around 20 litres :)
Well, when you do I hope you'll do a journal for us voyeurs! lol
If it helps, I have the 22L, got it for £29 on sale in Pets at Home - buy the latest magazine and there's a voucher for £30 off :) 
Disconfigured beat me to it lol i was just thinking id seen a voucher for the 22l tank haha good bargain that is
I have three of the aquanano tanks, one nano 50 with a betta, and two nano 30's with a betta.

I definitely recommend them :good:

I have three threads going for setting them up if your interested, in the nano section :)

Please tell me about these vouchers - which magazine? Is the offer still on?

Thanks :D

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