Tank Of Only Rams?

Scott MacAdam

Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Halifax, Canada
Hey everyone, I've never actually kept rams but I've always though of getting a set-up for them either one or a pair, but then i got to thinking, what if I just got a rather large tank and had a stock of 6 - 8, maybe 10? Just wondering if this is possible, or easy at all. I've heard they are really docile and good in communities but how about with fish of their own kind?

Thanks for the answers!
I would say you get get away with 6-8 in a 55g, well planted tank.

Gotta add, that it would be pretty bare looking fish wise those, so fill it up with a large shoal of tetras :good:
if you were doing it a 250-300 ltr tank minimum and it would have to be a very well planted tank - not just a couple here and there (so they can make their own territories) with a sand substrate

EDIT same as minx said - didnt see yours minx till i posted mine

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