Tank Mate For Betta?

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Feb 25, 2012
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Does my betta need some sort of rtank mate? I feel sory for him all alone :( Its a 20L tank. He is eating well. and after a shaky start due to an uncycled tank :( his tail is now looking really good as it looked ripped to begin with
do they need one tho? Or do you tik hes happy by himself? x
Opinion is divided on this one. I personally see my betta interacting with the other fish in the tank quite a lot - so I like the idea that he has a bit of fishy stimulation on his life. Some say that they are fine on their own and others still say that they are fine on their own as long as you give them some time each day playing about with a mirror to give them some extra stimulation.

On top of that, there are those few rouge bettas who try to beat up everyone else in their tank so they definitely need to be on their own lol - but by all accounts these bettas are far and few between.
My bettas always live in the company of other fish. They interact with them so much that I would feel sorry for a betta that had no company.
20L is just over 5 US gallons, so some shrimp would be nice in there with him. I believe there is someone on these forums which keeps a few male endlers with their betta in a 5 US gallon tank, so that might be an option for you too. 5 US gallons doens't give much scope for tankmates, I'm afraid. Shrimp are suprisingly interesting things though and, so long as your betta doesn't think of them as lunch, can make nice 'tankmates'.

Bettas are naturally solitary fish sontechnically they are fine by themselves, but similarly to Oldman47, I would probably end up feeling sorry for a betta completely by itself with nothing/no one to interact with. Even if they ignored their 'company', I wouldn't like to think they were lonely ;)
I have 3 endlers & some shrimp with one of my Betta in a 5 gallon & they get along fine
Some Bettas will see shrimp as a tasty snack, it's all down to individual temperament
I have got 3 neon tetras in there. He is now alot more active and swims about more now, dont know if thats due to the new friends he has or because we re-scoped his tank. They are all getting on fine at the moment but if I have any trouble with them I can transfer them into my 60L x
20 litres is a bit small for neons, they really should be in a larger tank & shoal to be happy.
Unfortunately what Cazgar said is true. Also neons have the potential to be nippy which isn't so good for your bettas fins!
+1. Neons shouldn't be in groups smaller than 6 and need nearer 50-60L as they are pretty active.

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