Tank Help


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2012
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This is my current set up - plants on right hand side are all plastic - I want to replace with live asap
any ideas/criticism welcome so I can improve - thanks (first pic I posted, hope it works)
Tiger lotus red or green!! Star grass looks good!! Nice setup!!
Thanks Kazc for the reply. 
But only 1 reply/comment is even worse than getting 10 bad comments - is the tank really that non descript/boring?
Lol you'll probably come on later or in a days time and discover more replies! U should deffo check out the red tiger lotus tho I think they look awesome!!
Just googled red tiger lotus - very nice but not sure if it would grow in my set up 2 x t8 lights and gravel - i do dose tropica premium. 
more research to be done and if it can grow in my tank will purchase it. Thanks again
Hi there,
I think Vallisneria would be nice. Maybe the corksrew version! It will do well even in low lighting, it may not grow fast, but that's OK I find. I like how mine fills empty spots in the mid/upper strata of the tank, and how the blades will lay across the water's surface when they are long enough.
I too think you have a very nice set-up! 
I have gone for some Nomaphila stricta  and some mixed crypts from aqua essentials - there so much to choose from but they are labled as easy and good for low light,
I looked at the Valis but they were out of stock.
will post more picks when new plants in 
anacharis looks nice ive got it in my tank also I have a branch covered in java moss looks like a willow that's a real interesting feature I also have duckweed but that floats at the top. really anything will look good just keep the taller ones at the back.

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