I have recently purchased a 20 gallon fish tank, set it up, let it sit for over 48 hours, and then cycled the water. After this I went to my local pet store and picked out some fish. I chose tiger barbs and dwarf gouramis. I started with 2 dwarf gouramis (1 neon and 1 reg) and 6 tiger barbs, two of those being green for a total of eight fish. Since then, five of the six tiger barbs died. I noticed symptoms of swimming upside down for about the last fifteen or so minutes before they died. After this occurred, I did a 100% water change and added four new tiger barbs. One of the new ones died but no strange swimming before he went. The problem now is my regular gourami. It never comes out from behind my filter, not even to eat. One of the new tiger barbs has almost doubled in size and seems to be harrassing all of the other fish as well. I have noticed bite marks out of the tail fins of the barbs and a single bite mark out of the dorsel fin of my gourami in hiding. What should I do?