Tank Full Of Anbuias?

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Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2014
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So I have a total brown thumb. I cannot for the life of me seem to grow plants of any kind, whether aquatic or just a houseplant. The only plants that seem to stay alive for me are anubias and amazon sword. Even the java ferns are looking a little iffy. Although somehow my desktop tank at work has some kind of magical plant growing mojo because all the plants I have there are doing great even though the same plants are dying in my other tanks. I actually have a lone wisteria that is doing wonderfully despite the other 2 dying.
So it seems like there is some magic in anubias. It also seems like there are several different leaf shapes so that it would be feasible to plant a tank with mostly anubias and not have everything look exactly the same. Think it's a viable option?
Background - I have a 4G fluval view (work desktop tank) with crappy built in LEDs that will grow everything and anything. I have a 10G regular rectangle with a Marineland LED hood that grows the crap out of anubias and 1 wisteria and a kickin' giant moss ball. And I have a 54 gallon corner tank with what I believe to be a nice compact fluorescent light that grows anubias, amazon sword, and moneywort but not much else. I have been dosing the 10G and the 54G with Excel and Flourish. I haven't dosed the 4G tank because I'm too lazy to remember to bring ferts to work.
I know there's some complicated physics and science and lumens and PAR involved in this that I'm sure explains this phenomenon, but I don't have the energy. I'm a single mom to a 3 year old, and I've decided I just need some easy plants. So, anubias forest? Would it look strange? Any varieties that grow tall for a background plant? Or should I just get some tall silks and call it a day?
Thanks for reading

I should add that all of the anubias plants I have (about 6) are just from those crappy Petco tubes, and all the other plants I bought at my great LFS. Go figure.
An Anubias forest sounds great! I wouldn't go for the silk plants what's the fun in that? lol, as you say there are many different forms of Anubias and they are tough, I have just bought a pot of Congensis for my tank this is a nice tall upright variety, another is Lanceolata had to get these online as I never see them in my lfs, put some nerites in your tank to eat the algae off their leaves as they are prone to algae because they are slow growing and some cherry shrimp for colour that would be a great tank!
Ooh thank you. I have never heard of either of those varieties, but I am happy to hear of the Lanceolata which looks like it grows tall enough to be a good background! I have mystery snails and nerites among the various tanks. And a "mystery" snail who must have been an egg on a stem somewhere that is still too small to be identified - little Benedict Cumberbatch is still pretty much a see-through blob with antennae.
Thanks for the recommendations - just got my tax refund, so time to do some online shopping!
I have been dosing the 10G and the 54G with Excel and Flourish.
Your problem is likely to be lack of macro ferts. Excel increases demand for ferts (NPK and trace elements) but Flourish only contains the trace elements and a small amount of K (potassium). So the plants are probably starving for macro ferts. You could try adding a fertiliser that includes these elements, otherwise I'd stop dosing the Excel.

Anubias forest tanks can look fantastic, just google anubias tank and you'll see lots of ideas.
Although all anubias is relatively easy to grow, not all are as forgiving as anubias nana. For example I had an anubias heterophylla that started turning brown when my tank was carbon deficient, while good ol' anubias nana in the same tank stayed green.
Thanks daizeUK - I am a completely new to the planted tank world, so I'm learning slowly. I didn't know that about Excel - I'll stop dosing it until I get my new fert kit. On Monday I ordered the Green Leaf Aquariums fertilizer kit that contains both macro and micro ferts. It seems like a very comprehensive set of nutrients. It hasn't arrived yet, but maybe it's not too late to save some of my withering plants.
If you have ferts on the way then keep up the Excel dosing in the meantime. The plants need to change their biochemistry to process the glutaraldehyde in Excel so stopping and then restarting will just confuse them. Good luck with your new ferts!
I can't have real plants, my fish dig up the fake ones I have and redecorate the tank.  Plants are for tiny fish like neon tetras who don't disturb anything.
I just realized I spelled anubias wrong in my thread title. I know how to spell. Really.
fishwarrior said:
I can't have real plants, my fish dig up the fake ones I have and redecorate the tank.  Plants are for tiny fish like neon tetras who don't disturb anything.
Good point, live plants can be used with lots of specie of FW fish, not just tiny neon tetras.
Live plants tend to be dug up like Clown Loaches.
Also plants may be eaten by Silver Dollars for example.
A quick research will easily help find out whether your fish have a habit of eating or uprooting plants.
eduller said:
I just realized I spelled anubias wrong in my thread title. I know how to spell. Really.
Lol, its all good, we knew what you meant anyway 

DaizeUk has covered a lot of good points about plants and ferts, so would take her advice really.
i was about to suggest Anubias Heterophylla which Daize has already mentioned, this is a lovely plant that is easy to grow and am sure you'll find this a good addition to have in your tank.
May also mention that a stem plants like Elodea (Egeria densa) is also another plant that grows really well without needing much, these are good for taking nutrients from tank water, like nitrates so helps control nitrate levels a little bit.
I stick to mostly anubias too and add fertilizer.  My anubias nana even flowers a few times per year!  And like you.... most other things died off.... though I manage java fern in one tank well but not in the other.

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