Tank Design.


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2011
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Setting up my Betta fish tank tommorow or tuesday and was looking for "enhancement" options.

The "tank" is on the small side coming in at 3.6 gallons (US)/14 litres including air, filter and heater "space". (although could open top it for the air space.) and it is 25cm[sup]2[/sup] for dimensions with a sand substrate which is very thin (1-2cm max).

I currently have a terracotta pot soaking, with the hole filled (stuck a saucer to the top with aquarium silicone.

As for plants, in the main tank (which I am cloning filter media off) I have what I believe is several Java Ferns and some kind of Grass reproducing like mad, would those plants be ok in the Betta tank.
Pictures might be helpfully but IMO I think you setup sounds good albeit a little on the small side. Java ferns would make great plants no idea about the grass plant though but it's probably okay too.
a picture of the grass would be good, maybe DHG or Dwarf Sag

Im guessing sag due to the rapid growth mentioned
This is the grass-plant
I find that my betta loves almost any plant. Go ahead and use your unidentified plant in the betta boy's tank. What could it hurt after all? Adult male Betta splendens make good use of almost any plant that they find in their environment.
Bettas often like to rest on broad leaved plants, so those java ferns will be nice for him. Pics would be helpful. I'm not sure what the tank looks like, but what about some redmoor or manzanita wood planted with java ferns?

Do you have a light on the tank? If not, and you're not able to fit one (if it doesn't have that sort of lid, etc), you'll want low-light plants - java ferns would do well in such conditions.

Is it by any chance the 14L cube PaH sell?

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