Tank Cleaning and Maintenance


May 13, 2021
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On the subject of substrate vacuuming. I vac every week during WC's, but just work my way around the scape. When I first started the tank was full of artificial decor and every other WC I would remove the decor (caves, plants, etc.) and vac where they were. The amount of sludge that would accumulate under these items was incredible, especially under the BN's favorite cave 🤮. It was both disgusting and extremely satisfying to watch it pulled up the syphon!
However, since I have changed to all natural stone and live plants, I don't remove any scape when cleaning. Granted, I wouldn't uproot plants anyway, but I don't move the dragon stone or wood as I am currently content with the layout and don't want to disturb. At the same time, I really want to get in there and suck it out.


How many of you move scape to vac and, if so, how often?

This brings up another question...

Do you ever change your scape layout?

(I know there are those that don't like to vac and leave it as plant nutrient and whatnot, but my OCD will not allow that.)
First let me say that I use pool filter and in some cases play sand instead of gravel AND I never disturb the substrate. (however I do have a couple of Cory catfish rummaging in the sand and a plethora of Malaysian Trumpet Snails that burrow in there).
With sand, uneaten food and fish/plant waste doesn't get down under. And I rarely if ever have any mulm buildup.
Secondly, once the organics break down (and pollute the water) any resulting 'sludge' is fairly inert. It may appear evil, but I assure you it's not and frankly it can become organic fertilizer for rooted plants. As to the decomposition that occurs resulting in lower water quality...we do routine partial water changes to dilute the pollution.
If you continue with gravel and routine vacuuming, you can just vac around rooted plants and decor. As long as you stay on top of partial water changes, you'll be fine. :)

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