Tanganyika Tank Ideas


Fish Addict
Nov 20, 2006
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I have finally talked my other half around to another tank! The tank in question is a 48lx18wx24h, roughly 75 Gallons or 90 US gallons which ever you prefere. 
Now, I know I want a Tanganyika tank and I know I want shell dwellers, Although I've kept at least a dozen species of shellies over the years, I have never actually kept them in anything other than species tanks. So my question is, Has anyone actually kept them in a Tanganyika community set up? If so what was successful? How about mixing 2 species of shellies with a central rock pile to keep them apart?
My early thoughts are to keep either paracyprichromis nigripinnis or cyprichromis leptosoma, with maybe a julidochromis species for the rock pile with lepidiolamprologus meeli as the shell dweller, But i'm very open to any and all suggestions
Really? No one has tried these mixes?
I was hoping someone else would answer lol, I am not very experienced with africans. I took on some paracyprichromis nigripinnis, with a leleiupi, juli, crypichromis kitumba and there was a shelly with them, sadly the shelly died (stress from the move I think) but the previous owner kept them together. There is no problems with the ones living together I have left, very peaceful and one of the nigripinnis is holding at the moment :) Its not exactly the same mix as your suggesting but similar enough I think to say you should be ok. Shellies did work with the previous owner with this mix.
I have set mine up with a large hollow rock at one end surrounded by other rocks down the centre of the tank 3/4 of the way leaving an open area one end where I had the shells for the shelly. This set up has worked well with mine so far, whether is it totally correct I dont know, but its working so I am not changing it :)
I'm glad someone replied so thank you :)
I've kept all the fish on the list before bar the paracyprichromis, so I have a fair idea on how to care for them. It's nice to know people have kept them together before, because the last thing I want is a blood bath.
I am interested in you keeping paracyprichromis with cyprichromis though. That is a mix that according to everything I read shouldn't work. How's it going for you? I'd really appreciate any more details you could offer :D
I have a group of paracryptichromis nigripinnis (7)  4 female and 3 male and a single crypichromis kitumba (male). I have never seen them chase each other at all they hang around by their rocks in the current. The only one that does the odd chasing is the Juli but that is usually only at dinner time. The little leleupi has a huge pit it dug under one of the rocks where it mostly hangs around. It is an incredibly peaceful tank (compared to my others lol) As for the numbers I am not sure if there were more cryps than paracryps if this makes a difference or not, that I am afraid I cannot answer.
This is how I set up the tank..

They are in there lol


They were very little when I had them, but they have grown.
I hope this helps :)
Looks good, 1 more question. what size is the tank? Give me a better idea of how many fish i'm looking for.
They are at the moment in a juwel rio 180, which really is not big enough but it was the only tank I had available (I run a small fish rescue). From the info I have found a 4ft length tank suits them better. Mine are suppose to be going into a bigger tank, but every time I go to move them a female is holding so I have held off moving them. The tank size "ideal" from what I have found on the net is 200l + for a group. These lot will be moving into my 260l tank as soon as I can.
Hope this helps :)
That's good to know, my tank comes in at about 340l, so hopefully now I can change my plans to include parcyps and cyprichromis. Just need to decide on a shellie now :D
Now that is something I cannot help you with. I hope you put up some pics when its done. :)
If you went for some meeli, you could also go for some xenos. Your paracyps will like high rockwork. Gobys are another option. cheers

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