Tail Injury On Molly


Mostly New Member
May 14, 2014
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I noticed last night one of my lyretail mollies tail was chipped. The bottom bit seemed shorter. Now I noticed that the center of its tail is split.

The fish is still the same in terms of behaviour. And I don't think it was attacked, it usually is the dominant one.

Should I be worried about it?

Make sure the water is clean and maybe add some salt. It happens with fish, they can be nippy sometimes or his tail could have been caught on something. 
Is there anything that will make it heal faster? Or is that what the salt is for? I already have some salt in my tank.
Her tail is starting to become white and frayed now, I'm getting worried. Does anybody have any idea what I should do?

I lost a swordtail a couple of weeks ago like this. I tried Melafix, Furan 2, and Erythromycin.
Now it's happening with my molly!

Someone please help :(
She's seems to fine now actually. I guess it was just one of those things where you get worse before you get better.
There's one other swordtail, and a few mollies. There's also neon tetras, corydoras, and ottos.
Tank paramaters:
Ammonia - 0 mg/L
Nitrite - 0 mg/L
Nitrate - 10 mg/L
pH - 7.6
Alkalinity - 100 mg/L
Hardness - 150 mg/L
Chlorine and chloramine - 0
Temperature - 80 degrees
The nitrate isn't the best it could be, but I'm just gona do a water change, and maybe add some Seachem Prime to deal with it.
I have noticed ripped fins in live bearing fish are more common than others. They are usually more nippy too. :) Good luck! 

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