T5 Tubes Or Led's?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
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I have a 1020x470x610 200 litre quite heavily planted tropical tank

It is lit by 3xT5 39w tubes built in the hood

I have been looking at LED lit tanks and wondered if the lighting is more beneficial than my T5 fluorescent tube set up?

If LED's would be better, what hardware would i need and where would i purchase the items?

Any advice will be gratefully appreciated

I use LED's and love them. The heat reduction and bulb replacement savings alone are worth the switch from T5's. I was running the Nova Extreme Pro light which has 6 bulbs, I had two units, and it was just so costly to replace bulbs and my study was a hot box. Now that I have LED's the house is cool and I don't have to replace any bulbs. Also the growth of corals in the reef tank and plants in the planted tank are excellent with the LED's.
Did you buy your led unit pre built or did you build your own?

I want to keep the price down so I am prepared to source and build my own
Because of the corals and anemone I have I really wanted to go with a prebuilt system with a controller. So I got the AI Sol Super Blues but for many applications prebuilt (like the ones that our mod Steve) builds work perfectly.

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