Synoditis Nigrivitus

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Nov 22, 2013
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I bought a lone synod nigrivitus I think it's spelled it's a upside down catfish. I'm wondering if it is safe to stick it in my all cory tank or will it make the corys nervous or scared or is it perfectly safe to house these two species together?
My tank is almost overstocked even though it has 3 filters and lots of plants I feel like I shouldn't add much more just cause the fish will be cramped the one by itself is acting fine very active and eating for the first day I brought it home you think it will be fine with just 1 more synoditis nigrivitus with it? I don't have much room for anymore. But it's tank mates are all corys it seems like it's pretty happy as is?
What is your tank size & stocking?
It's a 1gallon with 2 hob filters (aquaclear20, whisper10) and a sponge filter for a 25
There is a giant wisteria, bacopa, a large anubias, a Cardinal lobelia a
S carpet, anarchis is floating And another small stem carpet plant.
Livestock: 3 Julli corys, 2 albino corys 2 emerald corys half grown, 1 peppered (a survivor), 1 betta, a mystery snail, a Schwartz cory. And obviously the 1 upside down catfish rather small right now. Is there enough room for more synos with the large amount of plants and lots of filtration I normally do 2 water changes 25% each 2 times a week. With co2 and ferts.
10gallon tank*
LOL I didn't see your correction of 10g at first. Was trying to figure out how you fit the filters on a 1g!
No there is not room for another USD, sorry, and almost all of the fish are not meant to be kept in a tank of this size :/
The cories all should be kept in groups of 6+, of their own type. So 6 jullii, 6 peppered, 6 schartz, and I believe the albino & emerald are of the same type so you'd only need 2 more of those.
I'd re-home all of those except for the snail and betta, unless you plan on an upgrade.
While it may have lots of filtration and good maintenance, keeping all these fish in there is not good for them. They need space to have proper numbers, swim, and grow.
I *really* am not trying to be rude or harsh in any way. Obviously no one is going to force you to do as I suggested, but I did want to at least give you something to think on.
I have it half sand and half gravel tried to attach a picture but it won't upload off my phone but I have it covered in plants and the wisteria is about half the tank and has at least 5 baby offshoots off of it.
The corys have been fine In the numbers provided they all seem to school together very well and have even tried to breed I'm sure they are fine and they all started with 3 of their kind at separate times of course. But the numbers of each species dwindled. I never had more that 10 fish in it until not and felt it would be OK with the increased plants and filters. I was just wondering if it would be OK for one more upside down catfish so it would have a friend. Obviously I was wrong. But one of the Jullis has been a runt and seems like it has a tumor. If a cory or 2 died would there be room or is the tank itself simply not big enough even with plentyyy of plants and caves for each kind?
Ninjouzata is correct about your stocking.
Your tank is, unfortunately, already overstocked.
Sorry, but only the betta and snail would be suitable for that tank.
Rehoming all of the corys and the USD would be the best option, and then just have the betta and snail. You would be understocked then, but there is nothing else you can add to that tank that would be suitable and not overstock it, sorry.
Sorry for the bad news.
Fishyguy -
I will fully back up what Ninjouzata has said. Tank is simply overstocked.... planted and overfiltered or not. That upside down cat needs to school with others and will grow as well. 10g is not even big enough for the cory stock you have.
You are looking at a rehoming situation realistically. I had 6 albino cories in a 35 gallon with other large fish and still felt they needed some more room to swim when they grew larger. That is NOT a sustainable tank.
I certainly commend your efforts and it looks like you are off to a good start with planted tank knowledge... just need to rethink the stokcing.
So your saying you can't keep a school of corys in a 10g?? How do they keep like 50 in 1 10g at the pet store? I'm not doubting your answer just wanna know how they are able to achieve the numbers in such a small space
So could you keep a usd catfish In a ten gallon if it was with only other usd cats? Cause I kept synoditis petricola in a 10g planted before and they were fine for many years?
fishguy22 said:
So your saying you can't keep a school of corys in a 10g?? How do they keep like 50 in 1 10g at the pet store? I'm not doubting your answer just wanna know how they are able to achieve the numbers in such a small space
Most places have all those tanks connected to one huge filter (or is it a sump?)
And they are in those tanks for a short period of time as they have a constant turnover rate.
*Edit* ^Wanted to answer that before I got to your other stuff.
If you can get a pic uploading to a photo-sharing website such as photobucket, you can link it here.
While your tank sounds quite pretty, even with all the hiding places and plants, as has been said, it will still be overstocked.
I know that stinks, having to think of re-homing your fish, or put out some money to get a larger tank, but that is really what's best for your fish.
I think that if you were to put all the cories in a tank, and have them in appropriate numbers, they would not all be shoaling together but keep to their respective groups?
Obviously I can't be sure on that as I only keep 1 type of cory to a tank. I have albinos in my 55g & habrosus in my 20g.
They can only do that because the tank space is temporary, not permanent. The fish either die or go to homes, in most cases the fish aren't in there for any longer than a month or so.
So with a large amt of filtration like a sump would you be able to house more? I really don't have the room to upgrade my tank I have 2 other 10g 1 like I said is petricola and betta and then one is a betta a neons and a mystery snail. All planted
fishguy22 said:
So with a large amt of filtration like a sump would you be able to house more? I really don't have the room to upgrade my tank I have 2 other 10g 1 like I said is petricola and betta and then one is a betta a neons and a mystery snail. All planted
Nope. Still not the swimming room needed. and if you don't have room to upgrade the tank you certainly dont have room for a sump (reserved for large tanks).

betta and neons is not really compatible either..... neons will more than likely shred your bettas fins.

do you have pictures of these tanks?
There are two main things that determine if a tank is overstocked or not, one is swimming space and the other is bioload/filtrate. The filtration you have covered, but its the swimming space that is the problem here.
These fish are active, and all of them (except the betta and snail) need a larger space to swim around in, to fully "stretch their fins". The more fish there are, the less space there is.
There is also the factor of none of your fish being in appropriate school numbers, which is 6+.

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