Has anyone kept one with clown loach? I am trying to work out which will be the best tank to put this fish in. At the moment he is in with my little map turtle, not ideal but it was the best available tank at the time it arrived on my doorstep. He/she is healing nicely from its fin damage and now has a nice rounded belly instead of a sunken one . I have been researching care and compatibility but keep getting different answers. I have 2 choices of tank, one with 4 juvi clown loach which are my main concern and a bn, this tank would be better as the fish are mainly omnivous which would suit the syno. Or I am setting up later this week an african tank (to take on some other rescue fish) however there is a shelly in this group and I am not sure if the syno would be suitable. I have ruled out other tanks due to having other species of catfish. Final plan is to leave it with the turtle as I am down a filter until the sponges re-mature (had some sick fish in last week and had to disinfect the tank and filter etc) and set up a small tank for it until I can find a suitable home, but as it ended up here because of aggression issues re-homing may not be an option.