Swordtails And Platies- Male Or Females


New Member
Feb 23, 2013
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Have a 20 Gal community tank currently housing 1 male betta, 3 cory catfish, and 2 new swordtails- 1 male and 1 female.
I am looking to put in 2 platies to finish off my tank. I am wondering if I should get male or female platies for this tank. I dont know if 3 males(swordtail/ 2 platies) would be to stressful on the female, yet more females means more chances for fry....and lots of them...
any suggestions?
gwd said:
Have a 20 Gal community tank currently housing 1 male betta, 3 cory catfish, and 2 new swordtails- 1 male and 1 female.
I am looking to put in 2 platies to finish off my tank. I am wondering if I should get male or female platies for this tank. I dont know if 3 males(swordtail/ 2 platies) would be to stressful on the female, yet more females means more chances for fry....and lots of them...
any suggestions?
You can only really go for more females as more males will stress the female way too much as Swordtails and Platies can hybridize. 
Thanks, That is what I thought also.

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