Hi I am new here on this forum. I have a concern for one of my fish. A swordtail that looks like a female. She hides behinds this rock and she looks squished but she is alive. She stays there for some time then comes back out. I dont know if she is being bullied or not. I think my tank is overstocked. I have two filter running on the tank, Emperor 280 and Top Fin 30. A heater which is set to 75-76 degrees farenheight. As for activity in the tank, I see my Guorami chase my male swordtails once in a while, and my shark (1inch in length) chase the tiger barbs. This is the fish I have in the tank.
33 gallon long tank
1 red tail shark
1 golden guorami
8 tiger barbs
3 swordtails (2 male and 1 female)
Weather Loach
5 zebra danios
I am going to give the 8 tiger barbs to my sister today when she comes because I see the barbs are fin nippers and always try to bite the other fish. What can this be? Any ideas? Thank you guys for the help. Here are links to pictures.
33 gallon long tank
1 red tail shark
1 golden guorami
8 tiger barbs
3 swordtails (2 male and 1 female)
Weather Loach
5 zebra danios
I am going to give the 8 tiger barbs to my sister today when she comes because I see the barbs are fin nippers and always try to bite the other fish. What can this be? Any ideas? Thank you guys for the help. Here are links to pictures.