I recently bought a black swordtail (male) for my 20g long tank. It already has 6 corys. I researched swordtails and they seem to be fine alone (or with 2 females) and will not compete with bottom feeders. I'm not sure if my swordtail is just getting used to the new tank, but he is constantly swimming around the bottom and touching the corys. I have never seen him open his mouth when he touches them, but they sure scamper away! It is like he wants to herd them.
My question is, will this behavior stop soon? Am I wrong for putting a swordtail in my tank? My corys don't seem traumatized, but they certainly are not as lazy as before he showed up.
My question is, will this behavior stop soon? Am I wrong for putting a swordtail in my tank? My corys don't seem traumatized, but they certainly are not as lazy as before he showed up.