Swimming pool filters?


New Member
Jun 18, 2002
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This is my first post...I hope its right.
My question is this. I have an Oscar that I love...(his name is Jack"the ripper") But this fish is extremely dirty and its a nightmare trying to keep his tank free of debri. I have a 45 gal tank with 3 10-15gal Wisper pumps running alll the time. The filters are plugged solid after just a few days. I rinse them a couple a times so that I can save a bit of money, but this doesnt work well. I alwas need to replace them. So today I was going to buy a magnum 300 pump cause I read here that its a great pump. But I also read that it too glogs fast. So today I baught a Swimming pool pump that pumps 2000 gals an hour. It works awsome!!! The power of it made all my gravel move all around and his waste was launched into the tank and removed by this pump very fast!! I still am useing one small wisper pump along with it to help with the carbon. Isthis a bad idea or did I do something right? Thanx for any info.
Congrats FishFood, you get todays overkill award! :)
   I was probably the one praising the magnum. I have the 350 deluxe.
   A lot of folks are still out to lunch on overfiltering. I say go for it. If Jack seems to be happy with his new turbulent home, I'd say you are ok. Just watch your PH, if you are moving that much water, you mave have it fluctuate on you depending on how it affects your oxygen content.
   And is it a pool filter, or pond filter?  Depending on how and where you have it mounted, head pressure will decrease the 2000gph.
   Also, this monster will eat electricity, wait till you get your bill :)

And look everyone, a fellow American :)
Welcome FishFood
Overkill is not the word lmao :0

I feel that you would of been far better off getting an external canister type filter like the Fluval 304 or 404 made by Hagen as this would be more than ample for yuor needs :what:

What are you using as filter media and how do you house the media? as if you are not using any kind of filtering material you may as well of bought a powerhead and saved yourself a small fortune lol :laugh:
:) Welcome Fishfood. Some pump you've got ther m8! I'm not surprised that you need some sort of massive filter after reading your post on feeding your fish! A more sensible diet for your Oscar will help the fish and a couple of externals will cure your problem. 8) Mac.
Hey. an aquatic Harley. lol.
Maybe your oscar would like to water ski? just attach a bit of string to the side of the tank put a small bar at the other end so he can grip the thing and watch him have fun :p :laugh:
I'm all for power but isn't that rate of flow a bit on the eccessive side? Hope it works ok for you though. :D
For as far as my filter media...Its a magnum cartridge filter. Its the same I.D. as the filter housing that I am useing with this pump. All intake and return lines are 1.25 ". And my retun line is not placed in the water. It is gently cascaded into the tank with a ledge that is flows onto and then off of into the tank. I also think this will help to culture bacteria even. I hope. My ph is going up though. This is my second day with the pump and canister. OH YEAH! Hey all I just got a great deal on a 90 gal tank this morning! I spent 150 dollars on it and it came with an oak stand also. Im very happy and so wont my Oscar, as soon as I cycle it. JOY! And my entire cost was only 80 bucks including the magnum filter cartridge. I think This pump will really show me good tank hygene in that 90 gal. And Thanx a ton for all who responded and gave me info...Thanx.
Thanx a ton for all who responded and gave me info...Thanx

Thats what we're for buddy  :laugh:

Anymore questions fire away mate as if we can help you ........we will lol  :D
I dont have a camera right now but as soon as I can borrow one I will try to get a pic up in here, so that you all may see my cob-job set up. lol It actually looks pretty good. I have it as hidden as I can get it. For the most part all you can see is the intake line with a plastic mesh cover over it so I dont suck up my fish lol I hope to be able to show you all soon.
on my 6ft tank i have a bioforce 1100 with uv pond filter run by an ehiem 1068 pump, all brand new and cost less than an external and it does an excellent job, masses more room in it for filter media, and a lot easier to maintain.

Wotfish, it's an American thing :laugh:

2000 GALLONS an hour! I bet it even sucks the algae off the glass :laugh:  :laugh:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: you bet.

whys it an american thing?

I know it sounds a bit foolish to run a pool pump.....But I am thrilled with my chioce. As today is day 4 and my ph is near perfect again. And as I said before, it isnt that fast of of flow. I am cascading my inlet water supply over stacked up slate rocks.... The flow does not force my oscar to swim all the time in my 90 gal tank....he has a few places where there is near to no current. I feel that I have made an awsome choice in pumps. I do recomend not to go with a 2000 gal ph pump though but I do recomend a 1000gal ph pump. My 2000 will be replaced soon. My 90 gal tank is not as big as I thought it would be. I have to order most of what I get from the web....So I did not see what I purchased before i baught it. But till I get a bigger tank, I will still use the pump I have now. I can say that the water is the clearest that it has ever been since my friendship with my first Oscar. Yes.... this is my first tropical fish, But I am soon to be going all out as I have found that this is very rewarding to me. I can not stand to even sleep anymore knowing that my favorite pet "friend could very well die" May not make the night. So I am tring my best to make his life as good as it can be with my buget. I have also found that my pump housing will fit 2 magnum 300 filters at one time... Joy. Plus I do still run my one carbon based pump just to help. For the transfer I put all his water including the filters from the old tank into his new. My new tank is still half empty...But I will slowy fill it up as time goes on. If there is any advise as far as inputing new water to a larger volume of water plz let know soon. His tank is very low at the moment. He wants more water. Tell me how to add more. thanx in advance.
Sounds fine :)
Go get a 6x2x2 then He'll love you even more ;)

As for filling up the tank, Just add tap water, use dechlorinator as your tap water will contain this stuff. Try and get the tapwater to room tempature before adding it. 8)

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