Suitable Companions For Harlequins And Neon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
Mauchline, Scotland
I am looking to add a companion or two to my three neon tetras and three harlequins.

My tank has been setup for 6-8 weeks now and the 6 fish above have been in the tank for six weeks.

I was advised at the time I bought my new trops that guppies aren't suitable for new tanks, however would they fit in now? Other than guppies what else could I look at adding?

I'm guessing another 3 fish is enough at this stage. Id rather build up gradually.
Hi crmpicco,how many ltr's is your tank? mine is just 65L and have what is listed below..........
Hi Brian, the tank is 70ltr. I'll probably be purchasing from Pets at Home so I'll be fairly limited in choice.

Do you think guppies are ok?
I have read on here that tetra's do tend to bite the guppies fins, however as scotty say's have you cycled your tank??
Lost of possibilities there. Most people will tell you that the shoaling species are happy with at least 6 of their kind. But in a smaller community tank I say get what you want if you prefer variety.

I believe the following could work well (not all, of course!):
One Dwarf Gourami
Zebra Danios
Peppered Corydoras (whatever kind stay smaller, like 2 inches); Corys would give you activity at the bottom and a nice contrast to the fish that stay higher in the water column.
Guppies (I never had Neons nip at my guppies that I saw)
Id say if your tank was not cycled it would be the neons which would go first as they are very sensitive to changes in water parameters.
Guppies will be fine IMO So fill your boots!!
As always, even little fish can be aggressive as its down to the individual fish but more often than not neons, guppies, etc ate very peaceful.
What about something like Celestial Pearl Danios?' there are literally loads, get your laptop fired up & get researching!!!
Do you not have a local fish store (not P@H as these are a general pet store & rather poor from my experience!) who can advise and maybe order you some specific fish ... When you decide what you want!!! Lol.
Good lick and happy researching!!
Is that actually a Siamese Fighting Fish? If so yep they should be fine as i had one in a 90 lotre with neon & glow light tetras with no probs. just try avoid fish of similar size & colour as i had a dar blue betta who was fine till i added a black mollie ( had other dalmation mollies and no probs!) which he flared at constantly and would bully. I think it was due to him confusing her for another male betta but had to remove mollie in the end. Beutiful fish bettas mind ... Great choice IMO!!
I did see the Siamese Fighting Fish in the LFS today, but I don't think they were shown as that.

I ended up getting one Red Dwarf Gourami and a Long Tailed Platy. They're nice fish and they were both marked as peaceful/community fish so I think they'll fit in well with my other fish. I think either Danios or Siamese Fighting Fish are next, but I'd rather leave it a month or more to let my tank settle down a bit now.

Interestingly I bought them from Dobbie's, but they didn't ask many questions tbh and I didn't have to sign anything.

I'll post pictures up tomorrow hopefully.

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