

New Member
Jul 25, 2012
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Hello all!

4.5 weeks ago I purchased a 54l tank and have cycled it, the water levels are all perfect and stable. My current stock consists of two male balloon mollies, 2 male guppies, 2 male Corys and a couple of shrimp, i bought only two cherry shrimp as i wasnt sure if the balloon mollies would eat them up, so far this has not happend.

Everyone so far is getting on well, the guppies and mollies are a bit shy and spend alot of their time hiding and the corys are just swimming around without a care in the world, they are so fun to watch!

My question is what would be a good community fish to add in the next couple of weeks? once my current fish have settled with each other. Anyone have any suggestions of a fun or attractive fish that would settle in with my current stock?


54l is not very big and as such stocking options are limited.

With the 1 inch of fish (adult size) per imperial gallon rule you're pretty much there, as many fish like cardinal or neon tetras need to be in shoals which would overstock your tank. However, you could probably get a few more cories as they are much happier in groups of 6+, providing you have a smooth substrate and do regular gravel vacs & water changes.

If you are set one something different then you could go for a dwarf gourami, they're pretty nice to look at and are content on their own.
54l is not very big and as such stocking options are limited.

With the 1 inch of fish (adult size) per imperial gallon rule you're pretty much there, as many fish like cardinal or neon tetras need to be in shoals which would overstock your tank. However, you could probably get a few more cories as they are much happier in groups of 6+, providing you have a smooth substrate and do regular gravel vacs & water changes.

If you are set one something different then you could go for a dwarf gourami, they're pretty nice to look at and are content on their own.

thats fair enough comment and i will give that some thought. What about getting any more shrimp, would this create much of a problem for my tank? I need a bigger flat.. i already want another tank >.<
No, you can add a fair number of shrimp as they have tiny bio-loads. They breed rapidly but the fish will snack on the shrimplets if they find them. I'd suggest 10-15 would be good in your tank.
No, you can add a fair number of shrimp as they have tiny bio-loads. They breed rapidly but the fish will snack on the shrimplets if they find them. I'd suggest 10-15 would be good in your tank.

ahh nice, thats good to know. They are funny little critters aswell!, Been reading your tank journal thread sadguppy, really interesting :) like the pics! never too many pics!
No, you can add a fair number of shrimp as they have tiny bio-loads. They breed rapidly but the fish will snack on the shrimplets if they find them. I'd suggest 10-15 would be good in your tank.

ahh nice, thats good to know. They are funny little critters aswell!, Been reading your tank journal thread sadguppy, really interesting :) like the pics! never too many pics!

Haha thank you :) . I need to take some more of my newest dedicated shrimp tank and maybe some update shots of the others...

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