Suggestions For An Alternative To Neon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
Dartford, Kent, UK
I've lost 4 out of my 6 Neon to what I suspect is neon tetra disease.
I hoping the carnage will stop here, but if I lose them all I'd like to replace
with another small, shoaling fish.
Any suggestions ?
I'd considered dwarf neon rainbow fish, but think these will be too large (6 cm ?), minimum of 6 fish ?

Celestial Pearl Danios
Chilli Rasbora
Emperor Tetra
Dwarf Green Rasbora
Espei Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora
Cardinal Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
*Pauses for breath*
D'ya want any more suggestions?? :drinks:
Thanks for the reply, I was thinking of alternative to tetras tbh, so Rasboras are an option.
I'll get a list together and then pop down to LFS to see what he's got and what looks good.
the_lock_man said:

Celestial Pearl Danios
Chilli Rasbora
Emperor Tetra
Dwarf Green Rasbora
Espei Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora
Cardinal Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
*Pauses for breath*
D'ya want any more suggestions??
Just curious ... are all tiny tetras susceptible to the disease? Or just the neons? What about black neons? (Hoping to eventually redo my 55g to house a huge shoal of tiny tetras and don't want to get wiped out ...)
I feel the same way. I lost all my neons and im ready to move onto some other type of tetra. I have glowlights and they seem fine, not one issue with them yet.
Rasboras Espei's are great, I got them ordered in for me and waited 3 months for them, but well worth it.  I have eleven, they school well and are a bright orange, very hardy, the odd number was an LFS challenge rather than mine ;)  I gave up on Neon's for the same reason a long time ago, but others keep them successfully.  I hear the Green Neons are usually better but not tried them myself.
This Old Spouse said:

Celestial Pearl Danios
Chilli Rasbora
Emperor Tetra
Dwarf Green Rasbora
Espei Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora
Cardinal Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
*Pauses for breath*
D'ya want any more suggestions??
Just curious ... are all tiny tetras susceptible to the disease? Or just the neons? What about black neons? (Hoping to eventually redo my 55g to house a huge shoal of tiny tetras and don't want to get wiped out ...)
I've only ever kept Cardinals, which as you know, are somewhat bigger than Neons. I never had any problems (apart from them being decimated by a nasty whitespot outbreak) I've never done green neons or black neons, or glowlights. I might be after some Emperors soon though.
So far 2 black neons and 3 neon tetras, all with same typical NTD symptoms.
Not sure if this can also affect other fish species ?
I'm keeping a very careful eye.
I also love lemon tetras!  I had a few in my first tank....pretty and hardy :)
I was in MA yesterday, and the wife spotted Cherry Barbs. So there's another suggestion.
I also had issues with neons in my 200L community tank. Switched to neon dwarf rainbows. Lovely fish & very interesting to watch.
Got ember tetra in my 35L & really like them too. They were really dull at first but coloured up a treat now. I'd highly recommend both. Always liked rummynose tetra as well.

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