Suggestions For 350Lt Tank - Help Me Build It


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Apr 24, 2015
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I have just cycled a new tank Juwel Rio 300, it is 4 ft and 350lt. Because of the gravel and pebbles it's going to be like 300lt.

I have planted plants way before it was cycled and they seem to be thriving.

It is hard water (350 TDS give or take) and pH=8.4-ish.

I had a half-idea to install a chicken wire at the back to allow those background plants to grow on and create some sort of a background.

In terms of fish.

I would like a community tank, like in my smaller Rio 180 which has guppies, black phantoms, neon tetras, galaxy rasboras, dwarf gouramis, mollies, golden barbs and snails, snails, snails and 2 plecs.

I will migrate the 4 golden barbs from the small into the large tank as they are very lively darting around at incredible speeds.

I have looked into Malawi Cichlids and it appears they are too much hard work.

Any suggestions appreciated.


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With those water parameters, you'd have an excellent display with rainbowfish and livebearers.   They all come in a variety of colors, and they are all very active swimmers.  A 4 foot tank is too short for some of the largest species of rainbowfish, but the smaller ones would be fantastic!!!
Dwarf neon rainbowfish
Celebes rainbowfish
I have the same tank, here a few shots that i made on that tank through the years if it helps you :)


I agree with Eagles I think with that high ph live bearers and rainbows will do fantastically. You could also look at some central american cichlids as long as you stuck to the larger livebearers like Swordtails. For the cichlids you could look at stuff like Sajica, EBJD or Ellioti :)
I have been looking at rainbow fish and others on various websites, have not yet found a website that makes it easy.

Here are some ideas:

Main fish:
1) Blue Gourami
2) Red Gourami
3) Gold Gourami
4) Opaline Gourami
5) 2 * Red Honey Gourami
6) Boesmani Rainbow
7) Turquiose Rainbow
8) Red Rainbow
9) Emerald Rainbowfish
10) Batanta Rainbowfish
You can easily mix the rainbowfish... but don't mix the gourami species.  
So I can have various rainbowfish and they can tolerate gouramis but the gouramis must be all the same. Is this right?
That is correct.  Rainbowfish are peaceful (yet energetic), gouramis, in general, are not ok with conspecific fish.  

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