I am planning a 75 gallon community tank, and I was hoping to get some opinions on what I have worked out so far.
Going to do a planted tank with a sand substrate and some driftwood
1 Angelfish
1 Pearl Gourami
2 (M/F) German Blue Rams
15-21 Rummy Nose Tetras
7-11 Bandit Corys
Should I do more fish? less fish?
Maybe another school?
Praecox or Boesemani Rainbows?
Thank you in advance for you replies.
I am planning a 75 gallon community tank, and I was hoping to get some opinions on what I have worked out so far.
Going to do a planted tank with a sand substrate and some driftwood
1 Angelfish
1 Pearl Gourami
2 (M/F) German Blue Rams
15-21 Rummy Nose Tetras
7-11 Bandit Corys
Should I do more fish? less fish?
Maybe another school?
Praecox or Boesemani Rainbows?
Thank you in advance for you replies.