Sufficient Filtration?


New Member
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Shropshire, England
Hiya guys and girls, Newbie to the forum after a bit of knowledgeable advice please.
I have recently set-up my 4ft / 170l again after moving house about a year ago. unfortunately, the fish were given away when moving but i kept all the equipment, decor etc. In the old house, it was used in the kids room with just a couple of small goldfish, but now we have it in the living room as a tropical aquarium. We did have a smaller 2/3ft tropical tank about 8yrs ago but cant really remember anything about it.
Now to my question, At the moment it has been running for about 10/12 weeks since the initial 2week cycling. we have now 10 adult guppy (m&f)and the few fry that occasionally survive. We have also taken on a 4inch Sailfin Plec from a friend that is coincidently moving house. We would like to add about 10 - 12 neon tetra and eventually something a bit larger like a couple of dwarf gaurami maybe, to help control the guppy population a bit. I would like to know if my filtration is sufficient for the load.

Tank - 4ft, 170litre
Filtration - Fluval 3plus (700 litre p/h) i think. And an air powered Corner box filter at the opposite end, behind the dense planted area, just to help out.
No live plants, just lots of natural lookin fakes
Plenty of wood (bog and Jati) and loads of rocks/cobbles

Will post up pics soon.
Thanks in advance and feel free to ask if u need more info.

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