New Member
this is my first time posting here, so please forgive me if its a bit long.
I have had my four blind cave tetras for four years, and after years of them being in a 10 gallon, I was finally allowed to upgrade. I put them in an 36 gallon with an aquaclear 50.
After a while, just having the four in such a huge tank was sad, so today I added six gold barbs. I floated the bag for about 10 minutes, and put them in. However, I didnt know i only had one net, and it wouldnt fit in the bag, so I had to just dump the water in with them
. Not my finest moment, but the fish at that place are very healthy, and it is owned by an aquatic enthusiast, so they are well taken care of.
In less than 20 minutes, as I was checking on them, I noticed one of my Blind Cave Tetras was swimming on an angle, and spasming every 15-30ish seconds. The tank has been set up for a month, he was fine before, the filter and heater are working and the water looks fine. He continued spasming and swimming sideways all night, but seemed to do it less when the light was off. It's been 5 hours since the initial incidents. He's still the only one acting up, and I'm worried. I added a little bit more water conditioner, in case there was an issue with the water in the bag. Other than that, I don't know what to do
it looks like shock, but the temperature and quality didn't change and none of the other 9 fish in there are acting different! Please help 
Tl;Dr: 4 tetras for almost 5 years, got new tank, waited, bought more fish. Added water too. One tetra started swimming sideways and spasming.
I have had my four blind cave tetras for four years, and after years of them being in a 10 gallon, I was finally allowed to upgrade. I put them in an 36 gallon with an aquaclear 50.
After a while, just having the four in such a huge tank was sad, so today I added six gold barbs. I floated the bag for about 10 minutes, and put them in. However, I didnt know i only had one net, and it wouldnt fit in the bag, so I had to just dump the water in with them
In less than 20 minutes, as I was checking on them, I noticed one of my Blind Cave Tetras was swimming on an angle, and spasming every 15-30ish seconds. The tank has been set up for a month, he was fine before, the filter and heater are working and the water looks fine. He continued spasming and swimming sideways all night, but seemed to do it less when the light was off. It's been 5 hours since the initial incidents. He's still the only one acting up, and I'm worried. I added a little bit more water conditioner, in case there was an issue with the water in the bag. Other than that, I don't know what to do
Tl;Dr: 4 tetras for almost 5 years, got new tank, waited, bought more fish. Added water too. One tetra started swimming sideways and spasming.