Fish Fanatic
I was gutted yesterday when a Mono I have had for 2 years was upside down dead for no apparent reason. Now today 2 Peppered Corydors are spiralling around as if they have swim bladder disease. So I moved 5 fish to a smaller tank and did a water test. Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 but what has shocked me is the ammonia reading around 5mg/l guess that's why he died. I guess either I have put too many fish in the tank or I am overfeeding them. Any suggestions on getting the ammonia back to zero. I have 32 fish in there mostly small ones however the large fish are 2 Silver scats 1 Featherfin Cat 1 Picto Cat 1 Archer and 4 medium Angels. In the morning I feed them small and large pellets and in the evening 2 cubes of bloodworm and a mussel cut up. Any help is appreciated.