Sudden Death Of Guppies


New Member
Nov 22, 2015
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Hi fellow fish enthusiasts:
My tank's been healthy for about 3 months now.  I have only guppies: 3 platys and about 8 other endler mixes and fantails of various breeds and 5 babies.  Yesterday, everyone was fine and dandy.
Today, out of nowhere 5 adults and 1 baby died.  One more platy seems he's going as he just stays at the surface somewhat listless.  The surviving guppies all seem fine and healthy.  Would appreciate any insight on what happened.
Tank is 15 gallon with about 1 month old water, I have a great ecosystem.  Forgot to mention I have two loaches and a bunch of small shrimp, but like I said, everyone's been living great together for several months now.
Mahalo for reading.  Robert (in Hawaii)
At first welcome to the forum.
Then the standard question, what are the water parameters of your tank and tap water?
As US tap water can sometimes contain ammonia and nitrites this can cause some issues.
Did you see any other symptoms? red gills? increased breathing?
Did none of your shrimp die lately? as they are likely to be affected first when something is wrong.
Sorry, Robert, can you clarify please - you say you only have guppies, but then talk about platies, endlers and fantails. All 4 of these fish types are separate species (although guppies and endlers are very closely related). Fantails are a coldwater fish.
Could you just list out what you have, maybe with photos, if that would help.
Anyway, this is ringing alarm bells for me.
RobertCurtis said:
 with about 1 month old water,
If you have a fair number of fish, and you haven't changed water for a month, the build up of nitrate could have caused problems.
Can you also describe how you cycled the tank, ie built up the colonies of beneficial bacteria which process ammonia and nitrite.
the_lock_man said:
Sorry, Robert, can you clarify please - you say you only have guppies, but then talk about platies, endlers and fantails. All 4 of these fish types are separate species (although guppies and endlers are very closely related). Fantails are a coldwater fish.
Could you just list out what you have, maybe with photos, if that would help.
Anyway, this is ringing alarm bells for me.
 with about 1 month old water,
If you have a fair number of fish, and you haven't changed water for a month, the build up of nitrate could have caused problems.
Can you also describe how you cycled the tank, ie built up the colonies of beneficial bacteria which process ammonia and nitrite.
I thought that he meant that the last time he set up the tank and started cycling was about a month ago.
Bubbelzzz said:
Sorry, Robert, can you clarify please - you say you only have guppies, but then talk about platies, endlers and fantails. All 4 of these fish types are separate species (although guppies and endlers are very closely related). Fantails are a coldwater fish.
Could you just list out what you have, maybe with photos, if that would help.
Anyway, this is ringing alarm bells for me.

 with about 1 month old water,
If you have a fair number of fish, and you haven't changed water for a month, the build up of nitrate could have caused problems.
Can you also describe how you cycled the tank, ie built up the colonies of beneficial bacteria which process ammonia and nitrite.
I thought that he meant that the last time he set up the tank and started cycling was about a month ago.

Let's hope that Robert will pop back and clarify for us shortly. :)

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