Sudden Aggression From Swordtail - Would Appreciate Input :)


Apr 1, 2013
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Hey folks,
I had been overfeeding my male guppies; they developed the unhealthy pot-bellies.  They moved to a 20 gallon tank about a week ago with one male swordtail and nine tetras.  Everything was hunky dory as far as I could tell (me observing them for hours at a time daily).  No aggression, no nipping. 
When I noticed the symptoms of overfeeding yesterday, I decided to reduce their food intake.  This, of course, meant the swordtail also had reduced food intake.  After feeding the tank about half of what they usually receive, I witnessed with my own eyes, the swordtail "nipping" at the guppies.  Nipping is an understatement here.  He lunged at them and tore both the male guppies' tails.  *cringe*  He continued chasing them until they were completely frightened of them.  I had never witnessed any aggression from the swordtail prior to this.
So here's one question.  Does a hungry swordtail equal an aggressive swordtail?
I have removed the guppies from the tank, and put them where I can give them a week of Melafix and selectively control their diets.  My second question is this:  how do you control the diets of specific fish in a shared tank?
Finally, I have a question specific to swordtails.  Their natural habitat are fast flowing streams, and I've heard they shouldn't be in anything less than a 30 gallon tank.  Admittedly, my 20 gallon (high) tank has very little current.  Would this make an uncomfortable home for my swordtail?  My current decision is to return him to my LFS.

Thanks for any input!
Hi not sure if this will help?
i have a male swordtail and he is def king of the tank , my tank is a 4ft with lots of plants and wood . He has even tryed to take on keyhole cichilds which are fully grown , salfinmollys and blackwidows ,I have 1 guppy left but luckly he has left him alone.
Has he stayed on the aggressive side since the guppys have been taken out?

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