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Jun 19, 2004
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I was just curious as to how important substrate is. If it wasn't there, it would be eaiser to see (and therefore clean) crap off the bottom of the tank. Also, a lot of fish have barbels that can get worn away on the substrate. I understand that some of the useful bateria lives there, but isn't most of the colony found on the filter media? I'm just wonderingif there is something that I don't know.
If you didnt have substrate ornaments would look crap and I doubt you could use plants also all the crap would be seen much more.
A tank doesn't look right without some type of substrate. Even the bright colored gravel is better than nothing about making it look natural. Also, most fish can see their reflection on the bottom and some get spooked by it.

A tank without substrate and plants is a prison, not a home.
Having no substrate is an advantage, especially for hospital tanks or tanks that have extremely messy fish, just because it makes it easier to clean up after them. Although bacteria do live in the gravel, you can easily filter a tank with out any substrate by buying a bigger filter or more media.
It's basically needed for aesthetics, or if you plan on keeping live plants. :)
Yup. I love the way my tanks without substrate look, and how easy they are to clean. Driftwood/bogwood still looks good, and I have java ferns happily growing on them, and floating plants. My 20 and 6 gallon are sand, and one of my bettas has gravel in his bowl, but the other two tanks and two betta containers are bare. One of the tanks is a divided betta tank, and one is a guppy growout tank. Much easier to keep clean than substrate!
Funny you should ask. I just emailed my boyfriend and asked him to bring home the digicam from work. Hopefully I will have some pics for you tonight!

This one is old and isn't very good, but it's the divided tank - *edited to remove gigantic picture - just click on my name and look at the pic in my profile*

I'll try to get some more tonight.
Crap, don't know why that's so big - i just used the link to the pic in my profile... :rolleyes:
Substrate is not needed. Many people have tanks with no substrate. I know people who have none for their discus tanks in addition to hospital and quarantine tanks. They are easier to keep clean, which is the single best reason to not have substrate. Also, the bacteria live in the gravel because it's there. If there was no gravel you don't need to go out of your way to buy a bigger filter. The beneficial bacteria live on ALL surfaces in the aquarium. Even the glass, so you'll be fine without getting a bigger filter.

The reason people have substrate has already been mentioned. It is a large part due to aestethics. The "reflection theory" is a little silly because there are 4 other glass walls and often times any one of them could be a source of reflection.

Having said this, I use substrate. Plainly because it looks better and makes my tank look complete.

Tropjunky said:
it's not importaint but it doesn't look rite. sorta baroon and souldless.

u won't be able to have plants either. I did i mention it looks bad without.
I think it looks nice, so it's all a matter of opinion. Also, I have many thriving plants in my tanks without substrate - java fern and floaters, and they do fine.
I did think about building a small(ish) tank using 4 mirrors (and a sheet of glass for the front obviously) and just having a central piece of wood with live plants on it and putting in a couple of really pretty fish.

I agree with FishDan that reflection is not really a problem as most tank walls are reflective to some extent.
I know my cichlids would hate a tank without gravel, especially my Powder Blue. He loves to hollow out all the caves and crevices. He works on one until there is no more gravel left inside, and then he goes on to another. And another. He's obsessed with it.

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