

Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2013
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When I started off my new to me 75 gallon I knew I wanted a planted, and knew enough info just to be dangerous!  Right now I have a 50% eco earth plant substrate and 50% pea gravel.  The plant stuff is mainly in the rear of the tank and pretty thick, as I thought i would just want my planted portion to be back there, WRONG I want it EVERYWHERE lol.  So I will get to the point and ask my questions....
1. In time should I start removing the pea gravel and adding more plant substrate?
2. the plant stuff is a hot mess, can I add that while my fishies are in there?
3. or should I just add it over top of the gravel?
Be gentle I am very new to fish keeping, but am a sponge and love learning all I can!


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My recommendation is to find out what kind of plants you want to keep in there and what their lighting and nutrient demands are, from there you can then start to plan out your aquarium and start to think about substrates, lights, etc. I have a little bit of experience in planted tanks, but not a whole lot so I can try to answer your questions.
With the substrate, I used organic potting mix covered with a layer of eco-complete gravel. The usual usage of plant substrates is to use them on the bottom of the tank and then cap them off with a gravel or sand of your choice. when adding plant substrate I have found it easier to add when nothing is in the tank, but you are able to add it with water and fish in there depending on what plant substrate it is, it just requires quite a bit more time.
If it was my tank I would try to get as much of the gravel out first, because gravel has no nutrient value there isnt much point in it being between two layers of plant substrate.
Nice tank though, it has a lot of potential :)
Thank you,  I fear my husband will kill me when I tell him I am changing the substrate again hahaha  we spent 3 hours washing the pea gravel. I hear "aren't you making this too hard? my parents never did any of this and the fish were just fine..."    LOL but God love him he puts up with me, and I buy him Apple products regularly to keep hime placid!!
Our dogs are raw fed, and he deals
Our birds eat the best and get fresh meals and he copes
Now the fishies need new....well everything at the moment
I think he's a keeper!  

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