

Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2011
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sorry not entirly sure where to put this- there's a lot of planted sections

in a few weeks I'm planning on re-doing my tank and for part of that I want to add a better substrate (I have gravel at the moment) so I was wondering what subtrate you all would sugest for a planted tank. There no CO2 but I do add liquid carbon. I was then going to cap what ever it is with black sand. The tank is 30x12. I do have a bit of a limit on price so nothing rediculous but I'll concider just about anything provided it's worth it. I'm also slightly worried about some substrate releasing ammonia when first put in; is this going to harm the fish?

Thanks for any sugestions
I set up a tank about a month ago now and used Eco-Complete. Its a great looking substrate in itself and contains a lot of nutrients, although I put a few root tabs into it about 2" down to give a little extra stuff. No ammonia spike, no pre cleaning it, and best of all the root structures are growing great.

I wouldn't get this substrate if you are having cories though. It is very brittle and sharp edged.
Florabase, I love the stuff, looking about 20 quid to put a nice amount in your tank, the smaller the bag you buy the smaller the grain too. Does give off ammonia but if your filter is cycled it will be fine.

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