Substrate question


New Member
Aug 14, 2004
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Hi all

I have a few bottom feeding catfish in a 100L tank along with some barbs, 2 keyholes and 2 firemouths, a red clawed crab and 1 small bichir. I am thinking of replacing the gravel in the bottom of the tank which is approx 4mm in diameter on average with some fine sand, I have read that play sand that is used in kids sand pits is ideal for this, and i have a couple of bags in the garage.

would it be feasable and safe to use play sand instead of gravel in the bottom of my tank, plus how is it possible to clean the sand, i have a gravel filter but the sand will just get sucked up into it when i attempt to clean the bottom of the tank

any advice appreciated
When cleaning sand i just use a length of hose and keep the end of the hose about 1/2 inch off the bottom, all the light loose debrie will be sucked into the hose leaving the sand behind.

Play sand is ideal for use in aquariums as it is inert and will not affect water chemistry, some people shy away from it as it can compact down hard but if you have bottom dwellers which keep it moving this wont be a problem.
Play sand is safe and inert so it won't alter your water. I used paly sand with my Discus.
You need to put a few handfuls in a bucket and rinse it with clean water until the water runs clear.

The best bet may be to 'hover' the gravel cleaner above the sand to siphon out the dirt. Or, you could siphon out the top layer of sand, rinse it as before and then put it back in your tank ;)
Thanks for all the info, ive just added the play sand and I am now waiting for it to settle so i can re add my decoration

aetchell said:
Thanks for all the info, ive just added the play sand and I am now waiting for it to settle so i can re add my decoration

i hope you rinsed it throughly before adding to your fish tank?? search for sand and you will find a dozen other posts of the best ways to do this.

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