Substrate Question


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2010
Reaction score
For my new tank I've decided I want to have a plant substrate in the hope I can grow them better this time. I had the JBL one recommended to me a while back so I think I'll be going with that but in my note pad I have 2 different sands written down (I want dark sand this time). I have Carib-sea Black Sand and Unipac Black (although I know this one isn't jet black).

My first question is, is it the done thing to have a plant substrate then an ordinary sand over the top or are you supposed to just use the plant substrate? I am planning to try and carpet this tank.

Secondly, if you're supposed to have sand over the top what are the pros and cons with the 2 I mentioned? I have it in my head that one of them lowers PH but I'm not sure.

Sorry if this belongs in the plant section. I wasn't sure as really it's a general substrate question.
I use Eco compleat In all my planted tanks. It works well my HC grow like a weed in it. You are off to a good start with picking a good plant substrate. It will help. But light and nutrients are needed and all have to be balanced in order to grow plants well.

As for putting sand on top. It will with time fall down into the substrate. It would not hurt to to use sand on top but it will not last long on top.
Thanks. Am I right in thinking one of those sands lowers PH?

Also, how much will I need of each to cover the bottom quite thickly (and have some left over) if the floor measures 80cm by 35 cm?

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