Sturdy Ground Plants?


Let's Be Friends
Oct 2, 2011
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Hey guys

Recently I got some wisteria for my 75 gallon tank; the only problem is that one of my fish really really likes uprooting them whenever I look away. I'm fine with replanting them right now, but I have a feeling I'm going to get really sick of this really quickly, so I'm going to move them to another tank soon.

Problem is, I have no idea what to use instead. I want something low tech, I do dose the tank with liquid ferts now and then, but I don't want plants that rely solely on that.

Tank is as following

75 gallons (48" long, 18" wide, 21" tall)
pH 7.6
76 Degrees F
108 watt 48" dual t5 lights
1 Green Terror
1 Fire Mouth
1 Male Convict
7 Australian Rainbowfish
6 Tiger Barbs
3 Raphael Catfish
1 Bristlnose Pleco
1 Featherfin Synodontis

I'm looking for something that grows tall pretty quickly and roots firmly into the sand so it won't get uprooted all the time. I think the issue with the wisteria is that the roots are so short and thin as hair. Less concerned about looks as I am about the ability to root and hardiness.

Thanks much
Big sword species have very good root structures but it's keeping any plant down long enough in your case to let them root, might be worth a try tho. I had two in my old Discus tank and they reached 20 inches tall and about 18 inches wide and the root structure had to be cut to get them out, really beautiful plants tho.

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