Fish Gatherer
Well... it seems all the platy problems I have been having lately is down to ich.
The short history....
-My platies were clamping (2 of them that is)... two days later they came out with ich.
-Followed it with 1 week of treatment with Interpet White Spot at a somewhat lower dose due to their being fry in the tank. The ich seemed gone at the end of treatment but my two platies were still clamping on and off.
-2-3 days later, outbreak of ich AGAIN! I have never previously EVER had ich come back after a treatment with these meds... so I am wondering if it is the lower dose of medication that explains it.
-We are currently on day 3 of treatment at full dosage with Interpet White Spot.
Some questions....
1) do you think the re-occurence is due to the lower dose of medication?
2) could the ich somehow now be resistant to this particular medication? Reason I ask is I just don't feel at 3 days that we have made the progress that I usually expect at this point. Also, I have also managed to get methylene blue and am wondering if I am better off ridding the water of this med and trying that one instead.
I forgot to add the usual extra details...
Tank is 60 litres, houses platies only (most of which are just over 1 month old and will not be permanent residents), water stats have been perfectly stable the entire time, only dechlorinator used for treating the water.
The short history....
-My platies were clamping (2 of them that is)... two days later they came out with ich.
-Followed it with 1 week of treatment with Interpet White Spot at a somewhat lower dose due to their being fry in the tank. The ich seemed gone at the end of treatment but my two platies were still clamping on and off.
-2-3 days later, outbreak of ich AGAIN! I have never previously EVER had ich come back after a treatment with these meds... so I am wondering if it is the lower dose of medication that explains it.
-We are currently on day 3 of treatment at full dosage with Interpet White Spot.
Some questions....
1) do you think the re-occurence is due to the lower dose of medication?
2) could the ich somehow now be resistant to this particular medication? Reason I ask is I just don't feel at 3 days that we have made the progress that I usually expect at this point. Also, I have also managed to get methylene blue and am wondering if I am better off ridding the water of this med and trying that one instead.
I forgot to add the usual extra details...
Tank is 60 litres, houses platies only (most of which are just over 1 month old and will not be permanent residents), water stats have been perfectly stable the entire time, only dechlorinator used for treating the water.