Stubborn Ich


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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Well... it seems all the platy problems I have been having lately is down to ich.

The short history....

-My platies were clamping (2 of them that is)... two days later they came out with ich.
-Followed it with 1 week of treatment with Interpet White Spot at a somewhat lower dose due to their being fry in the tank. The ich seemed gone at the end of treatment but my two platies were still clamping on and off.
-2-3 days later, outbreak of ich AGAIN! I have never previously EVER had ich come back after a treatment with these meds... so I am wondering if it is the lower dose of medication that explains it.
-We are currently on day 3 of treatment at full dosage with Interpet White Spot.

Some questions....

1) do you think the re-occurence is due to the lower dose of medication?
2) could the ich somehow now be resistant to this particular medication? Reason I ask is I just don't feel at 3 days that we have made the progress that I usually expect at this point. Also, I have also managed to get methylene blue and am wondering if I am better off ridding the water of this med and trying that one instead.

I forgot to add the usual extra details...

Tank is 60 litres, houses platies only (most of which are just over 1 month old and will not be permanent residents), water stats have been perfectly stable the entire time, only dechlorinator used for treating the water.
It sounds like you're doing everything right...consider adding some API Aquarium Salt to the water and raising the temp to about 85 degrees.  (I don't know what temperature your tank is, my Platy tank is around 78/80.)  Raising the temperature kills some of the parasites and the Aquarium Salt helps the fish to heal.  (Don't quote me on that.  But it works.)  Also, do a daily vacuuming of the gravel/sand to remove parasites that have fallen off of the fish and prevent re-infestation.
Good luck!  Hope this helps.
I do have aquarium salt (another brand)... will add that as well. My tank is at 78 (despite I set it at 76... I think my heater is stuck, planning on buying a new one).

Thanks! Will also vacuuming more... I was avoiding doing it since the medication seems to imply no water changes during treatment and my vacuum takes up a lot of water!
Update: My platies are still under going their second treatment for ich. They are currently being treated with both salt, temperature and Interpet White Spot.

The problem is... my two most affected platies... don't seem to really be improving. Yes, the ich spots have dropped off... but one is having stringy white poop, is partially clamped and likes to rest under a leaf (which is not its normal behavior), the other swims a lot more but is mostly clamped most of the time. Both of them have a wobbly swim but that might be more due to the clamping.

I'm really at a loss as to what else I could do. My other adult platy and the fry all seem to be doing well.
Still struggling with my fish not recovering from ich and we are nearing the end of the second time treating. Today I have increased the salt to the maximum safe level for platies... doesn't seem to be bothering them but I have noticed a good number of them suddenly started pooping a whole lot more... hope that is good somehow! I am suspecting I will have to extend the treatment beyond the 7 days the package says else I fear we will end up fighting it afresh a few days after stopping like the last time!
PrairieSunflower said:
Still struggling with my fish not recovering from ich and we are nearing the end of the second time treating. Today I have increased the salt to the maximum safe level for platies... doesn't seem to be bothering them but I have noticed a good number of them suddenly started pooping a whole lot more... hope that is good somehow! I am suspecting I will have to extend the treatment beyond the 7 days the package says else I fear we will end up fighting it afresh a few days after stopping like the last time!
I do think that the fact that they're pooping is a good sign...and I'd feel free to go ahead with the extra treatment unless they start exhibiting REALLY stressed behavior.  Good luck!
They don't seem to be doing anything that I would consider unrelated to being ill already and those that don't seem affected seem perfectly normal. Just really worried about the two adults that are frequently clamped, still have frequent white stringy poops and were the ones with visible ich spots at the beginning of both treatments.

I've never had trouble treating ich before, it has always looked cleared after the first 3 days (I always complete the course anyway)... they just don't look better other than the visible spots went.
PrairieSunflower said:
They don't seem to be doing anything that I would consider unrelated to being ill already and those that don't seem affected seem perfectly normal. Just really worried about the two adults that are frequently clamped, still have frequent white stringy poops and were the ones with visible ich spots at the beginning of both treatments.

I've never had trouble treating ich before, it has always looked cleared after the first 3 days (I always complete the course anyway)... they just don't look better other than the visible spots went.
From here on, I really don't have any more advice...except treat, feed, and hope!  I'm not an expert...but you might consider asking one of the more learned members of the forum.
Yeah, I miss Wilder,best advice! Gone AWOL since Christmas!

I decided to consult several boards and a few other people for multiple opinions (as well as the web). And I have decided to go with temperature (swapped heaters since the one I had was stuck on the regular temperature) and I am doing less meds (rather than no meds that people suggested). I have been told to do it for 2 weeks rather than the usual 1. So... hoping this will be the answer.

My platies have never seen an air stone in all their lives and seem to find it fascinating.
PrairieSunflower said:
Yeah, I miss Wilder,best advice! Gone AWOL since Christmas!

I decided to consult several boards and a few other people for multiple opinions (as well as the web). And I have decided to go with temperature (swapped heaters since the one I had was stuck on the regular temperature) and I am doing less meds (rather than no meds that people suggested). I have been told to do it for 2 weeks rather than the usual 1. So... hoping this will be the answer.

My platies have never seen an air stone in all their lives and seem to find it fascinating.
Good job.  I hope all this clears up for you.
LOL about the platies!  Mine like air stones too :).
Best of luck,
Feeling a bit in despair today that this problem is still fighting my efforts. I haven't seen any more white stingy poops so that is good. And both my blue coral and red wag are clamping less... but they seemed better yesterday than today. Keeps feeling like a step back.

I have culled one of my oldest fry (that one wasn't doing well anyway but I think the ich issues was a step too far for it), that and a different older fry also died unexpectedly.
PrairieSunflower said:
Feeling a bit in despair today that this problem is still fighting my efforts. I haven't seen any more white stingy poops so that is good. And both my blue coral and red wag are clamping less... but they seemed better yesterday than today. Keeps feeling like a step back.

I have culled one of my oldest fry (that one wasn't doing well anyway but I think the ich issues was a step too far for it), that and a different older fry also died unexpectedly.
I'm so sorry...some outbreaks of any disease seem incurable.  Just try your best and know you're giving them a good life.
I'm thinking to break down my shrimp tank, move the shrimp into my community tank and treat the two worst effected in that tank (the two oldest) and the rest in the tank they are in. I think the one large platy and the fry don't need to level of treatment that the two other platies seem to...

Do you suppose that is a good idea?
Maybe try a different medication. I've found Esha Exit to be very good, I used this after unsuccessfully trying to treat Ich with a different product.
PrairieSunflower said:
I'm thinking to break down my shrimp tank, move the shrimp into my community tank and treat the two worst effected in that tank (the two oldest) and the rest in the tank they are in. I think the one large platy and the fry don't need to level of treatment that the two other platies seem to...

Do you suppose that is a good idea?
Go ahead.  I agree that treating one tank with really strong medication when some of the fish don't need it isn't a good idea.

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