Fish Fanatic
Hi guys, I am fairly new to chiclid care but used to own a marine aquarium and eventually after 6 years of care for the same fish they past away and I switched over to chiclid care.
for a month now I've been taking care for 2 Yellow lab chiclids (fairly small about 1 and a haf inch) in a 8 gallon aquarium, at first they were on the bottom but active and swam around the bottom but then about 4 days ago they became all the suddent stressed and were hiding all day except for the night time in the caves I had made them, before this the fish which was a bit bigger was bullying the other fish seemingly younger but also a male. They still are eating but only food under water and never go to the top.
I need a bit help with them and please help.
P.S. They seem to have ich but I am not sure because one of them has white spots on its tail in a line. Still not sure and never had ich before.
for a month now I've been taking care for 2 Yellow lab chiclids (fairly small about 1 and a haf inch) in a 8 gallon aquarium, at first they were on the bottom but active and swam around the bottom but then about 4 days ago they became all the suddent stressed and were hiding all day except for the night time in the caves I had made them, before this the fish which was a bit bigger was bullying the other fish seemingly younger but also a male. They still are eating but only food under water and never go to the top.
I need a bit help with them and please help.
P.S. They seem to have ich but I am not sure because one of them has white spots on its tail in a line. Still not sure and never had ich before.