Stressed Yellow Labs! Help!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2012
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Hi guys, I am fairly new to chiclid care but used to own a marine aquarium and eventually after 6 years of care for the same fish they past away and I switched over to chiclid care.
for a month now I've been taking care for 2 Yellow lab chiclids (fairly small about 1 and a haf inch) in a 8 gallon aquarium, at first they were on the bottom but active and swam around the bottom but then about 4 days ago they became all the suddent stressed and were hiding all day except for the night time in the caves I had made them, before this the fish which was a bit bigger was bullying the other fish seemingly younger but also a male. They still are eating but only food under water and never go to the top.

I need a bit help with them and please help.

P.S. They seem to have ich but I am not sure because one of them has white spots on its tail in a line. Still not sure and never had ich before.
Can you post your water stats please in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Do the spots look like a grain of salt, or sugar. Or bigger than a grain of salt?
Any signs of flicking and rubbing?
Do the fish have hiding places in the tank?
amonia level is 1ppm, nitrate is zero, and ph is 6.5, and the aquarium is filled with hiding spots (caves, bushy plants) and the spots are brobably big as I guess a small sugar but arnt bumppy and fish are swimming just fine and normal, but they hide a lot around the filter current because food is pushed by the filter into the water.

I also do water changes each week.
How long has the tank been set up?

You need to reduce your ammonia reading by preforming at least 2 daily 50% water changes.

If the spots are the size of a grain of salt, sugar you need to start treating for whitespot.
Water change and gravel vac.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Raise temp to 30.
Increase aeration.
Add whitespot medication to the tank.
If you have to preform a water change during the whitespot medication just add the correct amount of med back to water

Pic of whitespot.


  • Astatheros_longimanus_with_ich_DSC_9878.jpg
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The thing is the white spots are only on the tail and fin on only one fish, but are shaped into lines that go vertically. I just did a 50% water change and added the conditioners, I got algea growing al over my plants which is anoying but helpfull because I saw them eating the algea even after eating their food.
Whitespot can also attach to the fish fins.
Just make sure they don't look like a cluster of eggs, berries, or resemble a cauliflower.
Is the affected fish showing any signs of flicking and rubbing?

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