I have only had him a few weeks, he settled in well the first week or so but I just know something is wrong. Its not a disease or anything, he is eating well and will come to the glass when I stand and check on them all (and chat away to them, I talk to all my fish lol), he will follow my finger along the glass wiggling away, but as soon as I move away he seems to go lathargic??, I have moved the tank rocks about a bit so there is a more clear area and added a couple of other shells, but he prefers the one he came in. I know he is getting on a bit, but he really seems to be sad is the only way to describe his behaviour.
Would it help to try and find some more shellies? do they have to be the same species as I have found some Brevis fairly locally.
Thanks in advance
Would it help to try and find some more shellies? do they have to be the same species as I have found some Brevis fairly locally.
Thanks in advance