stoners and fish stores


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I do not mean to offend anyone but when I call fish stores I for some reason always get someone who sounds stoned and I went to my petsmart and this one girl helping us... her eyes couldn't focus. Do stoners like fish? Or is any type of job going to attract them?
OMG! my lfs has all stoners/hippies working there. wll i know 1 of thems gotta be 1, but the rest r just hippies, oh and theres a pirate working there 2

I think some scientific experimentation will get u the answer! Here are some possibilities:

1 - carelessly drop a ziplock bag of oregano and see how long it lasts
2 - take in some regular brownies and ask if you can barter store credit for "special brownies" :hey:
3 - observe the employees' behavior - staring for long periods of time at the cardinals or geeking out over fish actions is a sure sign of being high.
I think it has more to do with the absence of drug test. If you think places like petsmart are scary go look at the people on the road delivering your pizza.
Its a sad fact that fish stores pay such low wages that the only people who bother to apply for the jobs are normally the ones with no education and no hope of making anything of their lives (no offence to anyone who does choose to work for the low wages because of a true love of fish). I have enquired about job positions in a few of the local shops but none of them want to pay more than minimum wage (£4.30 a hour and less for a under 21 year old) and i like most people just couldnt afford to work for that money.
I think you all do both fish store employees and stoners a disservice with your generalizations.

One can get good service from a stoner, just like one can (and in my experience often do) get lousy service from a non-stoner.
Best thread ive seen all day. really made me laugh. I wish my LFS was run by stoners. i think they are generally more polite then the rude people that work there now. plus how cool would it be if noelbergs idea worked and you could trade "special brownies" for store credit
I frequent many pet stores in a large city and I never noticed "stoners" working there. :huh:

It's usually the ones that look like the cast members of the O.C. that don't know their @** from a hole in the ground. :grr:
:flex: ♂ What a great post! "Do stoners like fish?" Funniest question
I've ever seen here. Most of the stoners I know ain't fish people, but I think
stoners would be an improvement over some of the dorks I've encountered
working in fish stores.
I have to agree with modernhamlet and kittybug on this one. And by the way cfc I am a stoner who happens to have an education, and a good job. :p
I can imagine stoned people liking fish. Gives you something to look at for hours on end when listening to Bob Dylan.

Sorry taking the piss there. You can see my point though. Glastonbury is going to be full of stoned people (hooray!) bt I don't know how many fishtanks will be there.


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