I have a 30 gallon and I currently have
9 tiger barbs
1 opaline gourami
1 pleco
5 zebra danios
3 serpae tetras
1 amazon sword plant
1 anubias nana
I wanted more color in the tank. I want it to look more full. I have sand as a substrate. I wanted to remove the pleco and add 6-7 Cory catfish and a few more tiger barbs and 3 serpae tetras and 1 more zebra danio.
9 tiger barbs
1 opaline gourami
1 pleco
5 zebra danios
3 serpae tetras
1 amazon sword plant
1 anubias nana
I wanted more color in the tank. I want it to look more full. I have sand as a substrate. I wanted to remove the pleco and add 6-7 Cory catfish and a few more tiger barbs and 3 serpae tetras and 1 more zebra danio.