I currently have 2 clown plecos, 6 peppered corys, 8 neon tetras 1 honey gourami and 3 male guppies in my 29 gallon. Everything is coexisting peacefully and have been for weeks. The tank is lightly planted and slowly getting more plants in it. Currently has 3 moss balls, huge amazon sword, and dwarf water lettuce. I have mopani wood and plenty of caves and hiding spots.I have a few apple snails, ghost shrimp and I plan on getting cherry shrimp soon. I have malaysian trumpet snails coming in the mail tomorrow.
What would be a good fish to add to my tank, the majority of life stays at the bottom of my tank so some nice mid-top level swimmers would be great. I wouldn't mind adding two or three nice sized fish or a school of smaller ones. I'd like to stay away from mollies.
If anyone has a suggestion, please drop me a reply. I'm open to suggestions about rehoming fish as well if absolutely necessary. My tank looks empty now that I sold my dalmatian mollies to a friend.
What would be a good fish to add to my tank, the majority of life stays at the bottom of my tank so some nice mid-top level swimmers would be great. I wouldn't mind adding two or three nice sized fish or a school of smaller ones. I'd like to stay away from mollies.
If anyone has a suggestion, please drop me a reply. I'm open to suggestions about rehoming fish as well if absolutely necessary. My tank looks empty now that I sold my dalmatian mollies to a friend.