Stocking Suggestions For 25 G


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
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Please could people suggest a stocking options for my new 3 foot 25 gallon tank (Fowlr set up)
Kind Regards
phishyphil said:
Please could people suggest a stocking options for my new 3 foot 25 gallon tank (Fowlr set up)
Kind Regards
so Heres my suggestion
10 cardinal tetras
a pair of appisto macmasteri
1 bn plec
DerpPH said:
Please could people suggest a stocking options for my new 3 foot 25 gallon tank (Fowlr set up)
Kind Regards
so Heres my suggestion
10 cardinal tetras
a pair of appisto macmasteri
1 bn plec
This thread is in marine and the OP references a FOWLR (fish only with live rock) setup so the request is for marine stocking rather than freshwater.

I'm more of an invert person, so I can't offer much in the way of specific stocking suggestions, but I also am wary of giving specific answers since there are too many to enumerate easily. Aside from the more peaceful clowns (like ocellaris), various cardinals (the marine ones), blennies, and gobies are some of the most commonly stocked fish in nano tanks like this. I would recommend looking through the marine journals section to see what others have done in similarly sized tanks to get some ideas. 
Donya said:

Please could people suggest a stocking options for my new 3 foot 25 gallon tank (Fowlr set up)
Kind Regards
so Heres my suggestion
10 cardinal tetras
a pair of appisto macmasteri
1 bn plec
This thread is in marine and the OP references a FOWLR (fish only with live rock) setup so the request is for marine stocking rather than freshwater.

I'm more of an invert person, so I can't offer much in the way of specific stocking suggestions, but I also am wary of giving specific answers since there are too many to enumerate easily. Aside from the more peaceful clowns (like ocellaris), various cardinals (the marine ones), blennies, and gobies are some of the most commonly stocked fish in nano tanks like this. I would recommend looking through the marine journals section to see what others have done in similarly sized tanks to get some ideas. 

sorry I forgot.
so here's my revised stcking:
2 percula clowns
6 Blue green chromis damsels
Bubble anemone
2 percula clowns
6 Blue green chromis damsels
Bubble anemone
FOWLR tanks are not normally set up to accommodate anemones, and anemones are also quite difficult to care for even when properly accommodated - particularly in a nano. There are also many, many reports in the hobby of blue-green chromis groups having aggression problems in both small and larger tanks, as well as inter-species aggression issues with clowns. Not having kept chromis myself (the plentiful aggression reports have been enough to stop me from considering it), I don't know exactly what leads to these aggression issues or whether they are preventable in a small system, but the problem cases reported are plentiful enough that the above list really does not strike me as a good nano stocking if this is the OP's first marine tank. 
Indeed this is my first crack at marine.
Been in the FW side for numerous years now and consider myself fairly knowledgeable , however when it comes to marine, I'm a complete newbie!

I want a stocking that is going to give me the least amount of trouble as I'm.starting out at the bottom. My first port of cal would be a good Clean Up Crew.

Only going to have a 1" sand bed so not suitable for burrowing invertebrates .
Any suggestions where to start with these?

Definitely looking at occ. Clown fish if plausible

phishyphil said:
Indeed this is my first crack at marine.
Been in the FW side for numerous years now and consider myself fairly knowledgeable , however when it comes to marine, I'm a complete newbie!

I want a stocking that is going to give me the least amount of trouble as I'm.starting out at the bottom. My first port of cal would be a good Clean Up Crew.

Only going to have a 1" sand bed so not suitable for burrowing invertebrates .
Any suggestions where to start with these?

Definitely looking at occ. Clown fish if plausible

Banggai cardinals
Some of the less aggressive Damsels
 Nassarius snails
2 Peppermint shrimp
1 skunk shrimp
Hermit crab
FYI... I started my first tank with 3 Blue green chromis.  I believe tank raised.  I chose them because they were relatively very cheap and I had just cycled my tank.  They lived a long time and I had absolutely no problems with aggression.  They lived harmoniously with 2 clowns, 1 purple firefish, a sixline wrasse, CUC, emerald crabs and multiple variations of shrimp. I have heard of issues, maybe I just got lucky

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