Fish Addict
Please could people suggest a stocking options for my new 3 foot 25 gallon tank (Fowlr set up)
Kind Regards
Kind Regards
phishyphil said:Please could people suggest a stocking options for my new 3 foot 25 gallon tank (Fowlr set up)
Kind Regards
DerpPH said:
Please could people suggest a stocking options for my new 3 foot 25 gallon tank (Fowlr set up)
Kind Regards
so Heres my suggestion
10 cardinal tetras
a pair of appisto macmasteri
1 bn plec
Donya said:
Please could people suggest a stocking options for my new 3 foot 25 gallon tank (Fowlr set up)
Kind Regards
so Heres my suggestion
10 cardinal tetras
a pair of appisto macmasteri
1 bn plec
2 percula clowns
6 Blue green chromis damsels
Bubble anemone
phishyphil said:Indeed this is my first crack at marine.
Been in the FW side for numerous years now and consider myself fairly knowledgeable , however when it comes to marine, I'm a complete newbie!
I want a stocking that is going to give me the least amount of trouble as I'm.starting out at the bottom. My first port of cal would be a good Clean Up Crew.
Only going to have a 1" sand bed so not suitable for burrowing invertebrates .
Any suggestions where to start with these?
Definitely looking at occ. Clown fish if plausible