Stocking Suggestions (10G)


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2016
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I recently planted my 10 gallon tank and I'm looking for some more movement in my tank. It's kind of boring.. Right now I have a female betta, about 20ish ghost shrimp, and two mystery snails. I'm looking for something that swims in the middle to top area of the tank. I was sorta thinking about guppies or neon tetras? How many of these could be in a 10g?
IMO, I would start with a ratio of 1 Male to 2-3 Females. This is enough to start a colony.

You could also add instead of guppies a really cool betta fish you got from eBay or aqua bid

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the male bettas would be more aggressive to the shrimp though
BettaBettas said:
the male bettas would be more aggressive to the shrimp though
Male or female  Betta it dont matter, They will eat the shrimp or they wont, Most will go for the babies.
NickAu said:
the male bettas would be more aggressive to the shrimp though
Male or female  Betta it dont matter, They will eat the shrimp or they wont, Most will go for the babies.
And the betta already in the tank?
What are your water parameters? Soft? Hard?
10 gallon tank
Right now I have a female betta, about 20ish ghost shrimp, and two mystery snails.
 IMO your tank is fully stocked, Mystery snails are poop machines and they grow big in no time.
When addint tank mates to a Bettas tank, and make no mistake it is the Bettas tank it is the Betta that decides who will live or die in his/her tank, and be ready to move the tank mates at a moments notice, Females can be just as bad as males sometimes worse, I had a PK female who lived with Hengali Rasboras for a few months and one day she snapped, Killed 2 and injured a third before I noticed.
Bettas are Betta on their own.
I had to move a BN out because the Betta was starting to strike  him.
A Betta, assuming it is a male, is it for fish. These are not community fish. It will be fine on its own.

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