New to hobby got my first tank a few months ago but had a lot of problems because I over stocked and didn't cycle properly, and found this site. So now my water is perfect but my tank is over stocked still. It's a aqua one nano 40 (55l), I have 2 angles , 5 neon , 4 guppy, 1 glass cat, 1 strip cat, 1 3in plec, 1 kuhli coach.
So I ordered a 190l jewel trigon today. When it arrives I will cycle properly. But wanted to know what fish along with my existing ones will go nice .
All ideas are welcome, I like fish with slot of colour. I wanted a fighter fish but heated that I could have problems with the angles once they get to adult size.
New to hobby got my first tank a few months ago but had a lot of problems because I over stocked and didn't cycle properly, and found this site. So now my water is perfect but my tank is over stocked still. It's a aqua one nano 40 (55l), I have 2 angles , 5 neon , 4 guppy, 1 glass cat, 1 strip cat, 1 3in plec, 1 kuhli coach.
So I ordered a 190l jewel trigon today. When it arrives I will cycle properly. But wanted to know what fish along with my existing ones will go nice .
All ideas are welcome, I like fish with slot of colour. I wanted a fighter fish but heated that I could have problems with the angles once they get to adult size.