Stocking Sugestions 190L


Jul 16, 2013
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New to hobby got my first tank a few months ago but had a lot of problems because I over stocked and didn't cycle properly, and found this site. So now my water is perfect but my tank is over stocked still. It's a aqua one nano 40 (55l), I have 2 angles  , 5 neon , 4 guppy, 1 glass cat, 1 strip cat, 1 3in plec, 1 kuhli coach. 
So I ordered a 190l jewel trigon today. When it arrives I will cycle properly. But wanted to know what fish along with my existing ones will go nice .
All ideas are welcome, I like fish with slot of colour. I wanted a fighter fish but heated that I could have problems with the angles once they get to adult size.
You could always keep a betta in your 55l

Well done for making the decision to upgrade; it will be much better for your fish
You won't need to cycle; just move all your current filter media into the new tanks's filter, and you'll be able to move the fish straight away (you can always take a bit back out, if you want to set up the Aquanano again). The fish would benefit greatly from moving into the bigger tank, ASAP.

First of all, you'll need to up the numbers of some of your existing fish; the kuhli and glass cat need a group of their own kind to do well (they can feel too shy to eat properly on their own); that will probably fully stock your Trigon, tbh.
fluttermoth said:
You could always keep a betta in your 55l

Well done for making the decision to upgrade; it will be much better for your fish
You won't need to cycle; just move all your current filter media into the new tanks's filter, and you'll be able to move the fish straight away (you can always take a bit back out, if you want to set up the Aquanano again). The fish would benefit greatly from moving into the bigger tank, ASAP.

First of all, you'll need to up the numbers of some of your existing fish; the kuhli and glass cat need a group of their own kind to do well (they can feel too shy to eat properly on their own); that will probably fully stock your Trigon, tbh.
The filter in the aqua nano is built in the back so don't think it will be compatible with the jewel filter. Will it? Also could I add the water from my weekly nano changes to new tank ? Would this help ? 
Water won't help, but you can easily move the ceramic rings, and possibly the sponge over; you can always cut it up a bit to make it fit (lengthways, not horizontally, or it's difficult to get the bits back out of the Aquanano when you put them back; I speak from experience!).
Take the sponge from the back of your aqua one nano 40 and wring it out in a bucket of your tank water when doing water changes, aerate and put fish food in the bucket daily, then when you get your new tank soak all the sponges and biological media from the Bioflow filter in this bucket of "dirty water" this will help greatly with the maturing of your new filter :)
KirkyArcher said:
Take the sponge from the back of your aqua one nano 40 and wring it out in a bucket of your tank water when doing water changes, aerate and put fish food in the bucket daily, then when you get your new tank soak all the sponges and biological media from the Bioflow filter in this bucket of "dirty water" this will help greatly with the maturing of your new filter
That's kind of what I was thinking. To clean my current filter bits in the water I take out from water change. If I do what you said how long do you suggest I soak New filter media in the dirty water? 
fluttermoth said:
Water won't help, but you can easily move the ceramic rings, and possibly the sponge over; you can always cut it up a bit to make it fit (lengthways, not horizontally, or it's difficult to get the bits back out of the Aquanano when you put them back; I speak from experience!).
If I do this will my nano become unsafe for any fish I keep in it? 
I did this when changing from my Aquaone 320 to the Qubie 40 and the Aqua Flow 200 filter I got for it, I just poured the bucket of dirty water about 10 litres through a sieve to get rid of all the huge bits of debris then let the bucket settle for an hour, I then skimmed off 3 quarters the volume of water from the top layers so the thick muck was concentrated and just mopped up as much as I could with the sponge from the new filter and put it back into the filter housing straight away, Had safe water 3 days after filling new tank up for the 1st time.
KirkyArcher said:
I did this when changing from my Aquaone 320 to the Qubie 40 and the Aqua Flow 200 filter I got for it, I just poured the bucket of dirty water about 10 litres through a sieve to get rid of all the huge bits of debris then let the bucket settle for an hour, I then skimmed off 3 quarters the volume of water from the top layers so the thick muck was concentrated and just mopped up as much as I could with the sponge from the new filter and put it back into the filter housing straight away, Had safe water 3 days after filling new tank up for the 1st time.
Will do this
baker360360 said:
Water won't help, but you can easily move the ceramic rings, and possibly the sponge over; you can always cut it up a bit to make it fit (lengthways, not horizontally, or it's difficult to get the bits back out of the Aquanano when you put them back; I speak from experience!).
If I do this will my nano become unsafe for any fish I keep in it?
It will, if you take all the media.

What you need to do is think of your mature media as being paired with the fish, not the tank, or even the filter.

If you're moving all the fish to the new tank, then all the filter media has to go with them. If you're moving half the fish, half the media, and so on.

For instance, if you're moving all the fish currently in the nano to a new tank, then you move all the filter media to the new tank's filter. If you want to set up the nano again, perhaps for a betta, then take the appropriate amount of media (ie, you have 15 fish, atm, so to support one betta, you'd need a fifteenth of the media) back out of the big tank and return it to the nano's filter, and you'd be ready to go (although you should always test often and feed sparingly for a week or so, in case of 'mini cycles', where some of the bacteria die off due to being moved).
fluttermoth said:

Water won't help, but you can easily move the ceramic rings, and possibly the sponge over; you can always cut it up a bit to make it fit (lengthways, not horizontally, or it's difficult to get the bits back out of the Aquanano when you put them back; I speak from experience!).
If I do this will my nano become unsafe for any fish I keep in it?
It will, if you take all the media.

What you need to do is think of your mature media as being paired with the fish, not the tank, or even the filter.

If you're moving all the fish to the new tank, then all the filter media has to go with them. If you're moving half the fish, half the media, and so on.

For instance, if you're moving all the fish currently in the nano to a new tank, then you move all the filter media to the new tank's filter. If you want to set up the nano again, perhaps for a betta, then take the appropriate amount of media (ie, you have 15 fish, atm, so to support one betta, you'd need a fifteenth of the media) back out of the big tank and return it to the nano's filter, and you'd be ready to go (although you should always test often and feed sparingly for a week or so, in case of 'mini cycles', where some of the bacteria die off due to being moved).

thanks for the knowledge. it really does help. I was thinking of leaving the neons in the nano. I hear that the angles will eat them once they get full size. could I have 5 neons and a betta in that 55l?
You could try it..but neons can be very nippy when kept in small numbers. Neons and bettas work for some people, but in other cases it doesn't.

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