Stocking Questions


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2012
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could i put 4 cherry red shrimp and 5 glow light tetras in a 30 l tank ???? ???? ???? ????

also could i put 6 guppies 5 penguin fish 5 blackwidow fish and 5 scissor tails in a 96 l tank
Yes to the first tank, no to the second tank.

Penguins are known to be fairly 'boisterous' bordering on nippy when kept in too small numbers (in my opinion, anything under 12 is unfair on them) and when kept in too smaller tank (they need the length, not height in tank).

Also, the Black Skirt aka Black widow tetras are subtropical, want lower temperatures and are definate fin nippers.

So neither tetra will do well with guppies.
the tank will be 80-30-40 cm in size is that ok

you see i have 2 of each fish and 4 guppies and want to upgrade
Then I suggest you think well :)

All your other fish would get on bar the guppies...
So could I put:
4 shrimp and 4 guppies together in a 30 l tank

5 scissortails 4 black widow fish 6 tiger barbs 5 glowlight tetras and 5 penguin fish together
Better :good:

Although personally I would skip the tiger barbs and up the numbers of the other species.... but they would at least get on, although again... low numbers of tiger barbs could potential be problematic... it might or might not work...
I really do like the tiger barbs tho.

I was told this stocking idea would be ok by the aquatic store owner.

What problEms would tiger barbs cause
I might get 6 harlequin rasp boras instead of the tiger bars
I'd do that.

I love tiger barbs and can't imagine not having a tank with some in, but they are really quite savage little beasts and it's very hard to find fish that will live with them; zebra loach and plecs are the only things I've had any success with.

They can and will nip other fish; even if you have a big shoal of them (which is often advised as a way of keeping the aggression within the species group). Just as an example, I took in a group or four black phantom tetra, which are usually classed as one of the more feisty tetras, and put them in with my two dozen tigers, and overnight (so that was in the dark; they should have been sleeping!) the tigers had killed one and almost completely 'de-finned' the rest :(
I'd do that.

I love tiger barbs and can't imagine not having a tank with some in, but they are really quite savage little beasts and it's very hard to find fish that will live with them; zebra loach and plecs are the only things I've had any success with.

They can and will nip other fish; even if you have a big shoal of them (which is often advised as a way of keeping the aggression within the species group). Just as an example, I took in a group or four black phantom tetra, which are usually classed as one of the more feisty tetras, and put them in with my two dozen tigers, and overnight (so that was in the dark; they should have been sleeping!) the tigers had killed one and almost completely 'de-finned' the rest :(

no tiger barbs then harlequin rasboras it is

CAN ANYONE recommend any beautiful fish that would go well with the stocking i have already listed for the big tank????
I would say, once you've upped your shoalers to their proper numbers, you won't really have any room for anything else :/
i mean any fish instead of the harlequin rasboras

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