Stocking Question


Fish Crazy
Aug 21, 2012
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I've had my tank setup for over a year now, everything is doing good and getting along :)
I've got a 200 litre tank with a stocking of:
2 angelfish
10 rummynose
BN plec
5 ottos
1 krib
I'm just wondering if I'd have room for any other fish. And if I do, has anyone got any suggestions for some unusual, interesting fish. I've thought about kuhli loaches so far, but I'm open to any suggestions. :)
Thanks for any responses :)
check aqua advisor with your tank dimensions to see how well stocked you are, maybe you could add to your angels but make sure the fish you add are the same size :) 
I would do but so many people recommend against that website ;)
My angels are only young atm, around 3 inches so them eating fish isn't a concern, YET!
Yeah I like gouramis, I've had one before but I'm looking for something a bit more unusual. 
I had a dwarf gourami called the general but he got the gourami disease :(
Yeh those dwarfs don't live very long do they! They always die!
Unfortunately yes, same with my GBR, only had him for a year and a half :(

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