Stocking Question


Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
I lost some fish due to ich and parasites but tank is now healthy and parameters right on.    
planning on buying
4 nanus cory (grow to 2 1/2 inches)
1 dwarf gourami
3 red eyed tetra
1 siamese algea eater
presently have the following:
1 swartzi cory (can't order more as they are not available)
2 Bolivian Rams
3 white skirt tetra
my question is:   is this stocking level ok for a 35 gallon tall hex tank?  I know it's better to have more of a single type of tetra than 3 each of 2 different types but I would like the two types instead.    
suggestions, comments welcome
i think tetras like to be in groups of 6+ they get nippy if they arent.
How tall is it? Cories don't like really talk tanks. They like 18" or less. Also, Cories do better in groups, so 4 would be the least I would keep together. Same with the tetras. 5-6 fish. The algae eater and the gourami would be good with this stocking. What do you plan to do with the other fish? The Rams may start to get territorial. The taller tank doesn't give them much space to call their own, which may present a problem for the cories.
the rams have been pretty peaceful over the last 3 mo I have had them---I think they'll be ok---
I think I've decided to not get the 3 tetras and instead get 2 German Blue Rams.   My water parameters are suitable though nitrates can be about 30ppm.  so my final stocking would be
3 skirt tetras
2 Bolivian Rams
2 German Blue Rams
4 cory (2 1/2 inch)
1 neon blue dwarf gourami
1 siamese algae eater
the tank is a 35 gallon tall hex
so how does this sound to those of you in the know
ordered fish today---my final stocking will be
2 small cory (1 swartzi, 1 nanus) 
2 Bolivian Ram
2 German Blue ram
1 neon blue dwarf gourami
1 siamese algae eater
2 red eyed tetra
3 white skirt tetra

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