I have a 40 litre tank which at the minute has 2 kribensis 1,1,0 and 6 rummy nose tetra 0,0,6 in I was wondering if I was stocked to capacity or if I could add:
Neon tetras
5 banded barbs
I know that the rummy nose tetras are very active fish but my tank is longer than it is higher and gives them lots of room to swim around in and my tank is not square it is half an octagon.
I know you guys are all about less fish in to make sure that the tank is good and so is the fishes health but I do a 10% water change every other day and then on a Saturday do a 50% water change.
Neon tetras
5 banded barbs
I know that the rummy nose tetras are very active fish but my tank is longer than it is higher and gives them lots of room to swim around in and my tank is not square it is half an octagon.
I know you guys are all about less fish in to make sure that the tank is good and so is the fishes health but I do a 10% water change every other day and then on a Saturday do a 50% water change.