Hi all ! Beginner fish keeper with Roma 200 litre (52.8 US Gallon) running a Tetratec EX1200 canister filter, gravel substrate with bogwood and some plants.
My current stock is as follows (all young fish):
6 x Six banded barbs (not tiger!)
6 x Bleeding Heart Tetra
6 x Black Phantom Tetra
2 x Bolivian Ram (unsure of sex yet!)
My readings are coming out great as I have gradually stocked and the PH of my tap water is around 7.4/7.5
I am curious as to your opinions on further stock quantities. I definitely want some bottom dwellers and I cant decide on Corydoras or Zebra Loaches. I would much prefer the zebras to be honest as long as they do not cause my other fish any stress as I read they can be quite boisterous.
What are your opinions on these or Cory's (prob Sterbai or Peppered) How many could I have and after I add some would you still think I have room for any further fish or will I be at my limit?
My current stock is as follows (all young fish):
6 x Six banded barbs (not tiger!)
6 x Bleeding Heart Tetra
6 x Black Phantom Tetra
2 x Bolivian Ram (unsure of sex yet!)
My readings are coming out great as I have gradually stocked and the PH of my tap water is around 7.4/7.5
I am curious as to your opinions on further stock quantities. I definitely want some bottom dwellers and I cant decide on Corydoras or Zebra Loaches. I would much prefer the zebras to be honest as long as they do not cause my other fish any stress as I read they can be quite boisterous.
What are your opinions on these or Cory's (prob Sterbai or Peppered) How many could I have and after I add some would you still think I have room for any further fish or will I be at my limit?