Stocking options!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Alpharetta, GA
My tank currently has ICH so I know I can't change my fish now, but this is so I know what I want by the time I do get to change. I am thinking of getting rid of my guppies and want to get some other fish. I will have 12 corydoras in my tank, and would like to get 2 dwarf gouramis. What other fish would go well in this tank? Only thing to keep in mind is I like to have a staple diet of frozen foods, so fish that won't take it at all are out of the question. Thanks for any suggestions.

What size is the tank?
Is that US or UK gallons? You definatley would not want to be putting any more bottom dwellers in it.

I know that dwarf gouramis can be very aggressive somight want to be careful about that and specifically the sex of the fish. Also decor and territory are inmportant to consider with these.

Do you only feed frozen live foods? That would seem like a bit too much protein to me, if so. What kind of fish do you like?

Edit: Also be careful about when you give away/sell the guppies that they are completley clear of ich. The ich lifecycle is 3 weeks so you need to treat for all that time contradicting most med instructions. It would be less if you could bump up the tempature but that might not be a good idea with the cories.
I was thinking of hatchet fish, dwarf gouramis, and some kind of tetras. Would all of these be ok? I feed frozen food every other day with some sort of flake or sinking wafer on the other days. What other suggestions for food would be good? And the 30 gallons is US.

I would keep the 9 cories and not add any more bottom-dwellers. 2 dwarf gouramies may be a good choice but make sure you have floating plants and plenty of cover. If you get 2 males, they might fight over territory and chase each other. A male & female pair is better, or one male and 2 females. For tetras you could try black phantoms (which I absolutely adore) or get a few harlequin rasboras for extra color and active shoaling. :) I would skip the hatchets as they are prone to bullying and I don't know how the gouramies would treat them (as both are mainly surface-dwellers and would compete on space).

I think all these fish would do fine on frozen foods but do remember that wild fish do not only eat live foods and this constant protein can cause problems. In the wild, fish would also nibble at plants and go for several days without any meaty foods so it is actualy unnatural to feed such protein-rich foods constantly. It is better to provide a stable diet of flake (that is a complete diet and contains plenty of plant matter) and supplement with various live/froze/freeze-dried and fresh foods.
Anybody have any other suggestions? I know for sure I am getting 3 dwarf gouramis. What other fish could I put in besides tetras? Thanks for the help.

Any one of the following (as a shoal of at least 4):

harlequin rasboras
golden dwarf barbs
cherry barbs
zebra/leopard/pearl etc. danios
checker barbs
spotted rasboras
red-striped rasboras
fire rasboras

Or a trio of platies, swordtails, guppies.

There are also many, many tetras that would work well in a shoal. I mean other than neons, cardinals and all those very popular and typical (though beautiful) fish.

I wouldn't add more than the 3 gouramies, the cories and a single shoal though. You'll end up over-stocked otherwise.
This is what I know I will have for sure, so tell me what else I could get. 10 corydoras, 3 dwarf gouramis, 7 neon tetras. My other options I am thinking of are some ottos (how many would be good for a 30 gallon), and possibly some other kind of small tetra if I have room. What other tetras would you recommend? I want something around the same size as the neons if possible. I like for my tanks to look full meaning I want some kind of smaller fish so I can put a few more in there.

I wouldn't add any otos - there are already way too many cories for the otos to be comfortable. Cardinal tetras are similar to neons. Harlequin rasboras, golden dwarf barbs and black phantom tetras are other options. You could keep 5 of one of these species, besides what you already have planned.

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