Stocking New 100 Litre Tank And A Littleon Bettas?

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New Member
Jul 9, 2012
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Australia, Sydney
Hi so I've had this 100 litre tank for awhile now and have decided to finally get it up and running :) yes I know about cycling and will start ASAP ;) and also I really like Zebra danios (can you get them here???) and neon tetras I was thinking maybe two schooling groups and a few centre piece fish? But I'm open for new ideas. This is my FIRST community tank, in the past I've had goldfish that lived for 5 and a half years and my lovely little beta that unfortunately passed away before his time RIP ice storm lil buddy. And on the topic of betts im thinking of getting another male in my other 30-40 litre tank not sure I think it's like9 gallons though? Any ideas to keep him entertained? :D Looking forward to answers :lol: bye for now
100l is probably a little small for Zebra Danio - they like to zzzzoooooooooommm around and really need a 4' tank to do that in properly.

Tankmates for a betta - endlers.
What are the dimensions of your tank, and is your water hard or soft? Also, from how far away will you be mostly looking at the tank? All those things make a difference as to what it would be best for you to have :good:
Okay so I am actually on holiday right now but decided to start looking at fish types now so these may not be exact dimensions but it is about 55 cm long 45 cm tall and about 40cm in width. When I had my betta m p.h was testing as a 6.8'so soft

And I'm not too sure what you mean by how far away will I be from looking at it? Sorry
And I'm not too sure what you mean by how far away will I be from looking at it? Sorry

It's not a trick question. :lol: How far away is your favourite chair from the tank? If you're going to be 8'-10' away, there's no point recommending Chilli Rasboras, as you wouldn't be able to see them.
Ahahahaha :hey: I. Thinking of placing it in my room :nod: About 5-6 metres away from my favourite chair and about 7 metres from my bed
It's just that some fish are better appreciated when you're sat right next to them and don't look much from far away! I recently bought some glowlight danios, and if you have your nose pressed up against the tank they are stunning, but from the other side of the room they look really dull!

As your tank doesn't have a lot of length, I'd avoid anything that has horizontal stripes, as they tend to need more room to zoom about, as lock man says, so I wouldn't get zebra danios (or leopards, as they're just a colour variety) or white cloud mountain minnows.

Most of these fish are fairly easy to look after and are peaceful (and don't need a lot of swimming room!); green or normal neons (but they don't do well in new set ups, so you might want to leave those for a few months), ember tetras, sparkling, honey or dwarf gouramis, pygmy corydoras, chilli or espei rasboras, celestial pearl danios. There's few things for you to have a look at.

A 9 gallon is a very nice size for a betta. You could have a small shoal of rasboras or pygmy cories or some tetras in there too. Have it well decorated with some nice broad leafed plants and he shouldn't get bored :)
Would 8 chilli rasboras, 8 celestial pearl danios, 2 dwarf gourami and 5 Pygmy corydoras? I'm thinking that sounds a little crowded? Should I forget the pygmy corydoras?
Would 8 chilli rasboras, 8 celestial pearl danios, 2 dwarf gourami and 5 Pygmy corydoras? I'm thinking that sounds a little crowded? Should I forget the pygmy corydoras?

Sounds ok, but I'd go for Salt & Pepper Cories (C. Habrosus) rather than Pygmy Cories (C. Pygmaeus) Pygmies tend to like the mid-water level more than S&Ps. Also make sure there is plenty of plant cover for the Chillis and CPDs. If they know there's somewhere they can hide if they see a predator, they are more likely to feel comfortable swimming in the open water. If there is little cover, they'll feel nervous, and keep hiding wherever they can. Did that make sense?

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