Stocking My 76L Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
Dunblane, Perthshire
Picking the stock for my new 76l tank is like trying to pick a fantasy football team! Each 'player' costs a certain amount of space, yet not all players work well together! Lol.

So, I start my great cycling adventure on Saturday when I finally have time to put all the pieces into place.

But I really want to decide on the stock before I start as its driving me mad!

What do you think would be a good starting lineup? However, trying to avoid tetras and 'bland' looking fish, apart from that I'm open to suggestions. I'm just so confused trying to work out what can go with what!

Thanks. :)
What are the dimensions of the tank and is your water hard or soft?
Do you get problems with your kettle or showerhead getting limescale? That's the easiest way to know if your water is hard or soft :)
Well, that makes things easier :)

There are loads of lovely tetras that are in no way, shape or form 'bland'!

Here's some things for you to have a look at;

honey or dwarf gouramis
harlequin rasboras
ember tetras
green neon tetras (although they don't do well in new tanks)
five banded or ruby barbs
red or black phantom tetras
marbled hatchetfish
Bolivian rams or apistogrammas
chilli/mosquito rasboras
male guppies or Endlers
bettas (one male or females, but not together, and not if you have the guppies or gourmais)
dwarf, pygmy or panda corydoras
glowlight danios

Obviuosly you can't have all those, and they won't all go together, but it's a start for you :good:

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